//When You Came Back//

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You'll see him sleeping at the entrance door. "Jeremy,good morning.""(Y/N)? is dat really ya?""yes,the one only." he'll blink 3 times before jumping to hug you. He'll cry once more,poking you to make sure that it is real. "I missed ya! how are ya? do I need to beat someone?""I missed you too and no,everyone was nice." you'll both cuddle each other,him hugging you tighter.

He'll end up cooking alot more food once you came back. "wake up Jane.""5 more minutes.""Jane,I'll leave you if yo—""no! please don't!""I'm kidding,come on,I cooked (f/f).""ooh!" and you end up talking about your job.

He took a nap after that. He woke up from the noise coming downstairs. "guys,can you not? I'm trying to sleep here—""welcome back (Y/N)!" he heard Engie's voice,surprised to hear your name and a "welcome back". He ran to where everyone was,and there you are,surrounded by the 8 mercenaries. "hey guys,mind giving my firefly her own space?""I missed you!""and I missed you too." you both heared Scout groan and all of them left,one by one.

He's still crying until now. You came back but you wanted to surprise him,so you prepared food. "knock knock!""wha? who's this?""food delivery to Tavish Degroot..?""what? I didn't order anything from ye—""just get it!" he scurriedly opened the door and there you are,infront of him,wearing a food delivery outfit. "hello."

He's slumped on the couch,looking tired as heck. You lightly poke his shoulders,fully waking him. "да?" he'll groan. "hey big guy,your little bear is here.""(Y/N),is that you?""yes Misha,I'm back from the work place.""how is leetle bear? did they beat you? Misha hurt them—""no no,they didn't. They're fine." you got lifted from the ground. "Misha missed leetle bear."

He woke up from a thunder the other day. He climed out of bed and went to get a glass of water. He saw a figure inches away from the fridge. "come here,sissy!""wait,wut?—" good thing is that you got good reflexes,so you easily dodged the attack. "Dell?""(Y/N)?" he immediately carried you to bed,cuddling with you until both of you fell asleep.

This is his last straw and your return. "Herr Spy,I can't do zhis no more—""mon ami,zhis is her chance to be successful,do zhis for her.""okay,fine,I vill,I just feel so lonely—""well,you wouldn't be anymore.""fräu?""hello again Ludwig,and Spy Head.""bonjour." let's just say,you didn't escape his grasp the whole day.

He visited the stars again,not knowing that you were going to do the same. "hello again luv,how are you today?""I'm fine,how about you?""oh,the voice again,hello.""what voice?""you.wait—""I'm literally here dummy!""o-oi! didn't saw you there luv.""have you been hearing my voice since the day I left?""well,yea. Oi missed you that much,didn't Oi?""I could say the same for you."

You placed all the scattered pictures on their places,while quietly surprising Spy. He was seated at his chair,sleeping,which you thought he was. You were going to place a hand on his shoulder but you were suddenly grabbed and spun around. "bonjour ma belle~""hello there Laurent,mind letting me go?""how about...non~""are you kidding me? I need to fix my things—""I'll be zhe one to do zhat for 'ou,ma cherí."

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