//You Wake Up With Him//

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"morning sweetiepie,slept good?""yeah,I love you.""but I love ya more~" you just gently smacked his head. "I love you even more,period.""okay fine,sweetcheeks."

"good morning Cupcake! did anyone hurt you!? I'll shove my shovel up there asses–""no Jane,no one did.""okay good.""I love you.""I love you more and more and more and mor–""okay,I get it Jane." you giggled at him.

"good morning firebug.""good morning too you to firefly." he cuddled even closer to you. "come on,morning waiting–""I don't wanna!""Aiden,stop being a child for a moment and greet the sun.""with my flamethrower?""no." and he just nods.

"morning Tavish.""morning princess.""ughh,fucking sun rays.""sun's need someone to annoy–""and I suppose that's me?""ye know ye aren't." you hugged him from behind. "I know Tavish,I know."

"morning Misha,did you had fun?""да. Misha loves to jump on bed with leetle bear.""I know you do.""hmm,maybe more?""no,Misha,I need my coffee." and you hurriedly went to the kitchen to get coffee and hide from him.

"good mornin' darlin'.""morning..""coffee?""ugh,thank you!""heh,I know you're not a mornin' person without your coffee.""yeah..but at least someone made it for me,and not just anyone.""really?""yeah,I love you." and he gives you a quick peck to the lips.

"guten morgen fräulein!""Medic,I'm sore now..""es tut mir leid,I may have been a little rough on zhe zickles.""well,time for revenge.""vas?–""tickle attack!" and you started to tickle him. Now,you're both sore,yay!

"luv,morning–""don't you even continue that sentence." so you continue to lay down. He just shrugs and grabbed his coffee. He decided to just go back on the bed with you. "luv?""yeah?""I luv you.""I luv you too." and congratulations,you made him laugh first in the morning.

"ma belle,sun rays are not good for 'ou. do 'ou mind to stay with me?""non,not at all." and you just both continued to cuddle until afternoon. "about zhe–""non,at least,not today~" and he just nods,trying to hide his flustered face from you. How cute!

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