//You Have A Rival//

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Well,Cora is your ex friend. She stole your old crush away so,you hate her. "Hey there,miss?" Jeremy said,seeing her behind the door. "Hey there~ where's my (Y/N)?""what are you doing here?""miss me,who's this guy anyways?""my boyfriend–""can I borrow him~?""no." and you just yeeted her out. "that was a weird girl.""tell me about it." you both laughed.

"Hey (Y/N)!""I hate you too Cora.""who's that?""my boyfriend.""why would you lie~?" and Soldier approached us. Cora clinging to Soldier for dear life. "maggot,let go.""are you singl–""no! let go before I break your neck!""real–!" she screamed while running away,raccoons biting her ass. "stupid girl.""I know right."

"(Y/N),is that?""my boyfriend.""you have no taste.""did I ask for your opinion? no,now shut up.""fine dumbass.""and I hate you even more,leave." and Pyro just lit her shorts on fire. "welp,bye!" you scream at her while she ran away.

He was drunk to notice but if I must say this,then I will say it. He puked on her,and she just rage quitted. You love the scene very much,but not the one when he almost barfed on you. You told him about that and he just had a laughing fit.

"hey big guy~""нет,push up first.""sure." and she just tired herself out. You both left her there,she was laying drinking alot of water. "nice try,Misha.""да,weak girl."

Well,she went home her face red from furious. "Dell,what did you do?""well,Ah..Ah was buildin' when she stepped on a metal.""aww,that's fine Dell,at least she's away.""yeah,Ah really wanted her to be away,she was bein' clingin'."

"Josef?""ja?""can I borrow your lab for a moment?""sure liebe." and you used that to scare Cora. She just quickly ran away,not wanting to be in his collection. "thank you Josef.""bitte schön!"

"you want a bullet?""where?""in your forehead.""hehehe,nice tr–" you cocked the gun,"I mean it.""geez,fine,good bye!" you started to shoot on her feet,making her run away. "noice troi,luv.""mhmm. She was annoying.""yeah."

"ma belle,is zhis zhe idiot 'ou told me?""what!? I'm not an idiot!""zhen,if 'ou're not an idiot,zhen why do 'ou like me?""cause you're handsome.""ughh, crétin." and he left her there,puffing a smoke. "If 'ou don't leave now,I will use my butterfly knife collection on 'ou.""really?""oui." and he threw a dagger just an inch from her face. And that send her running. "You are something,aren't you?""oui,I am,ma belle."

(A/N): No hate to anyone who's named Cora. Okay,I just can't think of a name,so please,don't attack me or even threaten me. I repeat,I'm sorry if anyone who read this is named Cora. It's not my fault cuz I didn't know.

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