//You Spend Time Together//

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He snuggles with you most of the time. You both either play games or just play around. "Chase me (Y/N)!""not fair! you're too fast!" so in return,you horse rided him,while he ran around the house. That's fun!

Digging trenches is both your part-time job. He technically dig deeper than yours,making you worried. "Jane,don't you think that's too deep?""no Cupcake! Too deep is never enough!" he screamed at you while he was inside his hole. "You know that you will cover that again,right?""NOOOOOO0000oooo!" he screams again.

Well...you guessed it right! You both will start a fire. "Aiden?""yes?""don't you think that we should stop the fire now?" you said while pointing at a burning tree. He thought for a second,"nope!" and just continued to what he was doing.

Getting drunk and ending up sleeping...together at least. "Tavish,I think we should st–""nah!" and you both fell asleep again.

Training most of the time,which means you're probably buff by now. "leetle girl is strong!""I know I am! hell yeah!" and you flexed your arms,showing your buffness(?).

Building everyday,everytime. He taught you how to play his guitar and how to build a sentry. But,accidents will happen when pieces of metals are just laying there. "Hey,uhh..darlin'–""AHHHHHHHH!" and he hurriedly came running to you. It looks like you fell down and the metal just suddenly pierced through your hand. "o mah god! sweet bean,you're bleedin'!""Dell,I'm fine,it's just a stab wound,better than getting shot.""no,it's not!" and he carried you to the clinic,never leaving you that day.

In the lab,experimenting with patients. He lets you cut their organs since he thinks it's the best for now. He teaches you the human anatomy,you weirded out on how he explains it. "so,zhis is zhe lungs,use to suffocate zhem.""uhh,okay?""und zhis is zhe heart,vhere jou should stab zhem." and you just agreed on everything he said,not even bothering to correct him. It was fun either way.

What's more fun to do than camping with him! You were the one that started the fire while he decided to hunt. And he accidentally came home with a bear,dragging it with him. "do you think we can finish that?""oi don't know,but if not,then oi'll just let some boirds eat it.""I guess so." what a full stomach you both have!

Staying in his smoking room but leaving to get food. He made you breakfast in bed so you were thinking on baking him his favorite bread,"Croissant". "madame,what 'ou doing?""your favorite bread." and you gave him his bread. "merci beaucoup.""de rien." you got lot of cuddles the end of the day,him promising you to buy you your favorite sweets.

(A/N's Note: I'll be leaving for a week,so I wouldn't be able to update for a week,but I promise I will update when I came back.)

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