//How You Met//

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This fella was playing on a clear field,no people around,just him and his toys. When he saw a lady just sitting on the bench,feeding the pigeons. He decided to say "hello" to her. "Heya,young miss. why are ya alone?""I'm a loner,I like people's presence,but not always.""well,do ya need anything?" and she nodded her head. "I might want to talk to someone.""well,I'm here if ya need me." and they chatted the night away.

This patriot was buying foods for his pets. Along the way he found a young lady with (e/c) eyes and (h/l) (h/c) hair. She was struggling to remove the cart. He went over to help,"Hello miss,do you need help?""uhh,yes,help is needed.""move aside then,miss." and with all his strenght,he pulled the cart while pushing the others. And it was successful. He earned a kiss on the cheek,"Thank you!" and the lady left,leaving him standing in awestruck.

He was playing on the park,no kids around cause he scared them. He felt sad,lonely to be exact,when he sense someone's presence. "Hello? anybody there?" and he turned to see a girl,peaking and hiding behind the tree. "Little girl?""I'm not a kid okay..I'm little but I'm not a kid." and she finally showed herself. "well,I'm completely sorry,I didn't mean to scare you.""oh no,you didn't scare me,you look harmless anyways.""oh,uhh,thank you." she suddenly came closer to him,sitting infront of him. "would you like some company?""huh? oh..sure,I'd love to." and they both enjoyed each other's company.

He was buying more of his drinks when he found only one of it left. He was going to grab it when someone else did. She has (h/l) (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes. "uhh,do you want this sir?""huh? oh! nahh,ye can have that.""thank you,kind stranger!" and she hugged him. He just gave her a toothy grin,making her smile too. She waved good bye and left. You wouldn't believe that he stayed sober for a week.

He was going to the gym,excited. He hurriedly went there,running all the way there. He was greeted by all the men as he always went there after battles. This time it was something new,a woman doing push-ups. He greeted her,"Hello,I am Misha,you are new да?""huh? oh,yeah." and she continued on. She was lifting weights when she
suddenly dropped it,hitting her foot. "ouch..""here,Misha help.""thanks,big guy." and she kissed his hand. After that,she left. I tell you,Heavy didn't wash his hands that day.

He was buying more metal and scrap for his inventions. He took all the things,and went to the cashier. "Hello,are these everything you need?""um,yeah sugarcube,here" and she giggled. "what a cute nickname.""just like ya.""aww,thank you." and she finished packing everything. "good bye!""good bye!""good bye,angel!" and he left,happily laughing as he return.

He was exploring the public library,collecting anything that is about Science. When he bumped on someone,books
falling. "oh! so-sorry,mister!""it's alright,let me help.""uhh,thank you.""jou're velcome." and they both picked the books. "vhat are jou reading?""oh! I was choosing between (f/b) and (f/b),both are my favorites." and he nods. "Do jou need help at choosing?""yeah,sure. I appreciate that." and he started to choose wisely. "Jou know vhat? How about zhis?" and he gave you a book about the human anatomy,"thank you..?""jou're most velcome." and you gave him a smile and left.

He was walking at a nearby forest,examining it. He was planning on making it his place to stay when he's bored or sad or mad. "Hello? is anyone here?" a small girl's voice said,out of nowhere. "uhh,yes?""oh good." and she followed the light source. Turns out Sniper was making a fire,eating marshmallows. "glad someone's here too,you lost?""nah,sheila,just wanna see the beaut' noight.""yeah,it is. I got lost myself,tried looking for a place here." and he invites her to seat with him. "you can stay with me tonoight.""thank you,I appreaciate that." and they ate marshmallows until they slept.

This man,was at a bar,drinking as usual. When a lady sat next to him,"bonjour madame,'ou come here often?""no,my first time here.""hmm,welcome zhen." and she said a quiet "thank you" and called the bartender. "can I have a (f/d)?""sure ma'am,that'll be–""I'll pay for it." and you both turned to Spy while he took out the payment. "keep zhe change.""thank you again.""no need to zhank me,madame,I want zhis to be 'our memorable zime here." and the bartender brought you your drink. And you left not long after you drank and sat for an hour.

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