//You Pulled A Prank On Him//

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(A/N's Note : sorry,this took longer than I expected QwQ)

Air horn gets him everytime. You'll just pop out of nowhere,holding an air horn while he's doing something. "(Y/N)? can ya help me her—""BEEEEEEEEP!""oh shi—""gotcha! bye!" off you go to hide from a raging Scout,covered in flour. "(Y/N)!!"

The whoopie cushion. He's tired most of the time so he doesn't really check where he's seating. He'd probably sit everywhere. One time,you pranked him by giving hima chair with a hole. He chased you down,but you escaped. "(Y/N),can you get me a chair please?""sure honey,just wait." and you placed the whoopie cushion. "here you go.""thank you sweetheart—""prrrrrrrrrttttt!" you ran outside,keeping an out eye for him. It took Heavy and Medic to calm him down,but you did most of the job.

He'll run to the smell. Seeing the cake,he'll immediately take a bite out of it. Unexpectedly,he got pranked. It was a literal "sponge" cake. He spitted it out and stormed to where you are. "fire fly! did you saw that?""saw what?""the cake,the "sponge" cake." creating an "air quotiant" while explaining. "you didn't happen to be the behind it,right?""me? nope. I just heard it now.""oh,are you sure?""yup.""then,care to explain why there's a bottle of whip cream,sprinkle and an opened package of sponge?""that's literally the stuff that the prankster used." he nodded,but he didn't left. It's been 3 hours and he still hadn't left the room. "what are you waiting for?""I don't know,I just feel like it was you.""Aiden,I wouldn't do that!""there's a possibility."

You wrote "I'm drunk." on his forehead with a marker. Don't worry,it isn't permanent,because if it was,you'd probably be chase down by Demo. "(Y/N),where are ye?""yes Tavish?""why is my face covered in ink?""really? I wonder why.""I'm washing me face.""okay." you cooked breakfast as fast as you can and ran after that. "love? hmm,oh a note." 10 minutes later. "(Y/N)!!! WHERE ARE YE!?"

Surprising him by replacing the weights with something heavier. But he still got it. "Misha,noticed anything on your weights?""is heavy but nice thing.""uh huh,you don't hate it?""нет,leetle girl did this,is nice thing.""okay? you're not gonna—""Misha will.""okay. bye!" so you went somewhere he wouldn't find you.

You know it very well. The invisible ink prank. He was writing his contraptions,then turned for a moment and the drawing was gone. "(Y/N),can you come here for a while?""what is it,Dell?""mah drawing's gone.""it didn't fell? huh,that's weird.""you didn't have it,do you? not that Ah'm blamin' you.""nope." he nods then went back to the paper and drew it again,but still the same result. You were keeping your laugh in,not wanting to be caught. But,he heard it,even if it's just a giggle. "sugar cube,Ah feel like there's somethin' you're not tellin' me.""okay,I pranked you with an invisbile ink,sorry.""it's fine,but for that,you'll cook today's dinner.""fine with me." well,cuddles and "I love you"s are spread.

He almost killed you by reviving you. You mixed ketchup and soy sauce to make it look like blood,and you covered some parts of you,mostly your stomach,in it. And you screamed and faked death. "(Y/N)!? liebe,please vake up!" when you didn't answered,he brought you to his lab. He was going to grab a scapel.when you stopped him. "it's a prank! nowpleaseputthatdownbeforeyoukillme.""liebe! are jou okay? vhy did jou do zhat!?""sorry Josef,I just want to know what you'll do." but it was a success,at least he didn't kill you.

You exchanged glue with frosting,after you cleaned it. "hello luv,whot are you doing?""eating." and you squeezed the frosting while he's looking. He slapped the bottle out of your hand. "whot the hell luv!? are you troing to kill yourself!?""it's frosting.""yea,that's whot Oi thought— wait,whot?""it's frosting,I exchanged it.""god,luv! you scared me.""hahaha,sorry." he ate the cookies with you anyways.

You know it! Wine = Piss. You would've recorded it if only he didn't hid your phone that time. "ma belle,would 'ou like to drink with me?""no thanks,I'll have tea." and he prepared both of your drinks. In the middle of your conversation,he spitted out and looked as if he was doomed,which he was. "amour,why does zhis taste like...""like what?""mon dieu,did 'ou..?""hehehe,whatchu gonna do about it?""I'm going to teach 'ou a lesson." and you ran while he chased you,knowing you're ticklish.

(A/N's Note : Thank you Iamnotbrave,for the scenario. I hope you like it.)

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