//What He Loves About You//

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I don't know if y'all guess but it's clearly your ass. He'd smack it anytime he wants to. You told him to stop cause it hurts,but he just want some of those. He just want sum love.

He loves how childish you are. You'd wear his helmet and run around,casually bumping into walls and doors. He'll lift if and see you smiling from underneath which makes him happy.

How active you are. He'd love to run around with you,you both ending up being scolded by the others for being too "wild" and "free" but you both shrugged and went back to being yourselves.

Your expressions. He'll always listen to you whenever you needed someone to talk with. He'd listen but eventually he'll look at your facial expression,thinking to himself on how he has such a goddess.

Height differs but it's cute when both of you are beside each other. Him being the tallest on the team makes it even cuter as you were the same size as Engie,which he can just carry you everywhere. He'll use his height to his advantages when you're around.

You being a great artist helped him alot. You'll be the one to draw the constractions while he built it,it really save time and you get to spend more time together. He'll bring papers and draw with you whenever you're both bored.

You're hands are smaller than his which is adorable. He'd love to touch them everyday and whenever he gets the opportunity. He'll give it kisses and massages. (A/N's Note : where my small hand gang at?)

How can your eyes see so clearly!? He got surprised when you corrected him from aiming at the cardboard. He'll always ask if he's aiming at the right spot. Sometimes,you'll say "yes" even though it isn't.

Your loyalty means so much to him. He's surprised that you hadn't left him for someone else,as he is known to being womanizer. He'll always say "merci" when you'll both spend time together,him almost crying from saying how much he means to you.

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