//You Wear A Cute Outfit//

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He'll stop and admire you,blushing. It took an hour for him to speak again. "mate? hello?" Sniper said,waving a hand infront of his face as you approach him. "Jeremy? you still there?""h-huh? yeah,it's just umm,you're beautiful.""thank you,also start running." You're glad he didn't got beaten by Soldier.

His tough attitude will be gone for awhile,he'd be cuddly and soft. "Jane,you need to go to work.""no,I'd rather spend time with you.""that's sweet.""you're sweeter.""what's that suppose to mean?""you know what I mean~." he went to work since Ms. Pauling told him so.

He won't let go of you. He'll glare at anyone who dares to smack your ass,Scout got what he deserves. "damn!—" Aiden just glared at him and he ran. "nevermind.""mrpph!" he didn't let him run alive though.

He can be the only one to touch you while you wear that. He'll secretly carry his sword everywhere,constantly holding it. "I'm going to the restroom—""here,bring this.""but isn't this not allowed in here.""shh,I need to protect ye." he almost got caught but good thing he got away with it.

Nothing much changed just his anger levels. He will carry you,bringing you where you want to be. He'll guard outside when you're occupied. "Misha? you still there?""da,will not leave.""but,don't you have anything else to do?""nyet,Misha not busy." He is,he just wants to make sure you aren't harassed by anyone.

This guy got a big malfunction when he saw you. He would stutter and sweat profusely. "Dell,do you have a fever?""n-no da-darlin',ju-just a bi-bit hot in h-here..""you alright?""or mayb-maybe it's y-you.." now,you're both in a flustered situation.

Who said anyone that looks at you stays alive? This man dared anyone to look at you,smiling maliciously. "hey,you single?""nein,but jou may haff a chance und ve need to talk.""uhh,I'm not talking to yo—?""just follow me." and boom,he's dead. He did gave him his number. "call me." he said before leaving.

He's the type of guy to stalk you,not letting his eyes wonder off from you. "hey Mundy,I'm back.""already? how's the mall?""wait,how did you know?""ermm,coincidence?""okay..it was great! though,I swear someone was watching me.""probably just your guts." sipping his newly made coffee.

Well,he may or may not have "fun" with you. He'll either respect you wearing that or tease you. He smacked everyone on the head when he found out that they were peaking through the slightly opened door. "do any of 'ou know privacy!?""wouldn't ye do the same?""well,I have manners so at least I knock first.""before ya watch?""idiot!" you had to excuse yourself in the middle of their conversation since it was pretty embarrassing.

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