//First Time Doing "It"//

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(A/N's Note : hey,I'm not dead lmao,just busy. So be warned that this is suggestive,according to the title. Alright,good bye.)

He's inexperienced which means he's quite sloppy. It didn't matter to you but it does to him,he usually visits Spy for advice even though he annoys him. Because of his personality,it's pretty obvious that whenever you guys do it,he's usually the one to be super needy. From passionate kisses on the lips to heated making-out sessions. His stamina makes him last long for more than 1 round. And with his loud mouth,he'll be groaning and moaning louder than you. Him mostly being a sub is a plus 1 too. "m-mrhm~ qu-quit tease..teasing~"

He haven't had a relationship for a long time. He may seem demanding and rough but the aftercare is heaven. Him being more dominant than you,he'll have his ways with you. He'll make you squirm,shake,shiver,groan,pant and moan. He likes to tease you,A LOT. "you..still f-feel..good af-after all..t-this..year~"

As a sub,he can be teased if he allowed you to. He loves seeing the look on your face whenever you hear him make a sound. He can take all the tease you give him and only YOU. "a-ahh~ please..j-just..pu-put me..in~"

He's mostly drunk so that makes you in charge. You can tease and tease until he finally begged you to stop. If you don't,he'll swear that when he's sober,he WILL tease you. NON-STOP. "u-ughh~ can we..j-just go..to the b-best..part?~"

Being a big guy,he'll be dominant AF. He'll allow you to top from time to time but let's just say,seeing his face sweating while holding a somewhat serious face,is gorgeous. He's pretty straightforward so the teasing is a bit short. "is..is l-leetle (Y/N)..al..alright?~"

It's a surprise when you found out that he's a bit sloppy. He had a few girls back then not until he became a mercenary. He never thought to find love ever again until he met you. He's gentle with you whenever you do it. He'll either tease or tickle here and there is he wants to lighten the mood. "darlin'..a-are you..go-good?~"

By the looks of this man,he's definately dominant. His teasing is next level,he'll do something freaky when he's not. Who knows what kind of freaky things this man is into. He'd loves to hear you scream that it reaches the other base,keeping them awake. "frau..are j-jou ready?~"

Seeing you control him is enough to drive this man crazy. Even with just one dominant energy emitting from you,his knees would fail him. He's like Scout as he likes being alone at times. He usually wants both of you to be quiet since he's quite embarrased and to make sure Spy wouldn't be on your asses the next day. "a-aghh~ sh-sheila..whot are..y-you doing..to..m-me?~"

Since everyone knows he has slept with a lot of women,you aren't surprised that he's great at it. He literally knows how to put you on the edge that you'll end up begging at him. And that because he love seeing you vulnerable in his eyes and only his. He doesn't care whether they hear you both or not. He'll do his best to make sure you both enjoy it. "Mon Dieu(my God)~ quoi une bonne fille(what a good girl)..~"

(A/N's Note : I just want to thank all you beautiful people who reads,votes,comments or whatsoever on my book. Thanks for the support,love you all {no homo}. Also,this was requested by @Corrupticide so hope you like it. Stay safe everyone,have a good day/noon/evening,bye!)

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