//He Accidentally See You Shower//

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He might stay for little long but will leave after being shouted at. "Jeremy,can you hand me my clothes?""alright,I'm coming.""thanks." and that's how it all happened. Though your image won't leave his mind.

Despite the fact that he's wearing a helmet,he still left and was probably having quite the erection. "Jane? you okay?""I'm fine Cupcake,just hot in here..""uh huh,why don't you go outside?" he did but just to find his best friend.

You were glad that he was wearing his mask,because he's too innocent for that. It did made him awkward but not enough to give him a boner. "well,that was awkward..""it is,though,it isn't your first time to see me like that.""yeah,but I feel like I was invading your privacy!" you hugged him. "it's fine."

This boi will drunkenly pass out on the floor. "I'm in heaven!""uhh,you're on the floor..""are ye the angel to take me? yer beautiful.""thank you but you need to get up." too late,he's already snoring.

Damn,you have a fully red Heavy! You never really noticed his schlöng,standing in attention. "you seem to be a tomato?""Misha not feel very good..will go out.""okay,don't come home late though and be careful.""da." He had to walk a minute,embarrassed.

I tell you,he's cute when stuttering and all flustered. "A-ah'm sorry da-darlin',just di-didn't see yo-you there..""aww,look at you! all adorable!""now,Ah have no idea what you talkin' about..""don't deny it!""Ah'm not,Ah'm just not cute..""that's lie! they don't know the meaning of cute." you didn't let go for 3 hours and so did he.

He won't be shy to tell you,but you won't do what he wants you to. "Josef,it's literally 5 am,you could jerk off later.""but I'm throbbing..""I'm busy." that didn't stop him from jerking off though,you were just weirded out by the fact that he was loud.

Well,he'll cover it with his hat. "hey Sniper—""piss off mate.""why? did I do something?""just,run along,you hooligan.""jeez.." in the end,he came back with a surprise. His fly was open.

I don't know when he'll stop having "fun" with you. He's justa really thirsty boi. "come on (Y/N).""no,your ding dong needs to rest.""but—""no buts.""but 'ou have one~.""shutthefuckup." so he forced to take it like a man. He survived though he still insists that you both do it.

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