//You Went To The Beach//

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You made sure that before he ran to the water,he would put sunscreen on. "Jeremy,come here,let me put sunscreen on you.""how about da other way around~?""nice try,come here before I throw you there." pointing to the trash can. "alright." and mission accomplished.

He had a terrible sunburn. He keeps on refusing to put sunscreen since it wouldn't be worth it. "No,I refuse to put sunscreen on!""Jane,you would really need it.""Well,I won't!" you just sighed and just used the sunscreen on you.

He played on the water and well,you almost drowned because he threw you in there. "Aiden,ice cream?""yup!" and he bought you a box of your favorite ice cream. Now that's heaven!

He wouldn't let go of his scrumpy! You told him that the water would taste like one,and he smiled from ear to ear. And he just threw all of scrumpy in there,hoping it would be a scrumpy bath. "Tavish,no.""Ye can't tell me what to do lass!" and yeah..

He scared everyone away when he fought with the ice cream seller. At least all the ice cream are yours now,yay! "Misha,thank you!""leetle girl is welcome." well at least you have your own private beach.

He'll just play with the water,swaying his feet and hand in it. He doesn't really want to swim since he's looking after you. "Dell,come on! it will be fun!""no thank you sweet bean,Ah'm fine here." look at your manz,very caring!

Just like Heavy,he scared everyone. Not because of the ice cream. But because they were using wrong first aids. "Someone got sting!""don't worry,we just scrap it out–""nein! I'm a doctor,let me help!""sorry sir,we can't let complete strangers do it!""I'm not a stranger! I'm a doctor! just let me help!" he suddenly roared the sentence. He did save the kid but well..just the two of you alone on the beach...with free food!

He's obviously but secretly looking for sharks,kukri in hand. He almost got kicked out but was saved when someone called for help. It wasn't a shark,but it was a jellyfish. He was now assigned to guard. "mgh,this sucks sheila!""I know Mundy,but it's your job! unless you wanna get kicked out again.""well,no,but this is boring!" but you just shrug him off.

You know too much information of this guy,so you know what's coming. You were wearing a two piece so....you saw that coming. If you didn't know what I mean,let's just say,you both had alot of "fun" at the beach. But you didn't forget to picture some crabs!

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