//Animal That Takes Your Attention Away//

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"a freaking hamster!? are ya kidding me?""no Jeremy,I'm not.""I mean,what do ya find in it dat ya forgot about me? hey,are ya even listening?""awww,adorable!" squealing like a fangirl while cuddling with the hamster. "I'm gonna keep it!""(Y/N) no we can't,we just stole it out of nowhere—" but you already did.

Just his raccoons,especially Lieutenant Bites. Surprisingly,he didn't seem to mind it since you both love the pet but he then began to observe that you spend time with the raccoon. "(Y/N),where are you Cupcake?""oh hello there mister Lieutenant Bites! how are you?" and the raccoon ran up to you,wanting to cuddle. Solly's face was red,obvious anger seen on his face. "Jane? are you okay?—""COME HERE YOU RACCOON!" off he goes to catch the rascal.

A cat is all you need to grab your attention. He would either throw it or keep it. But he mostly throw them out,not wanting a new rival. "Aiden,it's snowing outside.""it's fine,I'm sure about that.""right..." but the truth it,it isn't. You found it under a box,shivering. You brought it home and the next day,it was gone. "Aiden,where is the cat?""I don't know. Food is ready!""oh,this good!"

He doesn't like the parrot and so does the parrot. "does Polly want a snack?" you asked and it happily nodded. When you left the room,Demo decided to give it a try. "does Polly want a cracker?""You dumb.""wha?""I'm back!" well,that was the last time he want to have a parrot.

A panda? he thinks that it's absurb that you like it more than him. "but Misha doesn't get it. Why is leetle girl squealing?""it's because it's cute.""but Misha cuter." and he pretended to sway his non-existent hair. "if you say so.""is true." in the end,he didn't liked it at all,because you're so focused on the panda,earning him an evil smirk from it. "I will cook panda for dinner.""what was that Misha?""nothing."

He doesn't like the fact that it's a dog and it's wild. "darlin',can you get (p/n) off of me?""okay then." he accidentally got scratched and eventually,grounded the dog. "why did you grounded (p/n)?""cause he's too much to handle.""but you don't have to go that far.""mrghh." he went to (p/n) that time and he wish he didn't. The dog immediately jumped on him earning another scar. He threw it out.

Archimedes? are you kidding? nope,you aren't. Archimedes has grown to you,you always greet him. "liebe? can jou please get Archimedes? I need to haff a check up vith me.""sure!" Archimedes just went to your shoulder,cuddling with you. Medic saw this and grew envy of the bird. "Archimedes,kommen.""crooh~""vhy jou piece of—""come on Archimedes,check up.""crooh!" Medic went to seat down not before mumbling a "I'm going to kill jou bird.". The check up was successful,but these past few days,Archimedes seems to be gone,I wonder why.

He'll avoid it if possible. He thought that it might be a drop bear. "luv,whot if it bites you?""Mundy,you're over reacting.""nah,Oi'm not." but he still didn't allow if so he got rid of it by letting it go. "Mundy love,did you saw (p/n)?""the koala? nah luv,didn't saw 'im till today.""oh,where could he be?" Sniper just shrugs.

You'll have crab soup for dinner if he catch that marine creature! So,you'll have to hide it before he comes home. "bonjour (Y/N).""you're early today...""oui,we got a day off,I decided to come home early.""that's good to hear." but isn't really. You still hadn't hid (p/n)! "I'm going to take a nap,call me if 'ou need me.""noted." you thought that he wouldn't find the crab but you didn't realise it until his turn to cook. "this is amazing love,what is this dish?""crab soup."

(A/N's Note : this was also suggested by MkGlanzreich. I hope you liked it and stay safe everyone.)

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