//He Meets Your Friend//

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You went to the café with him,to meet your friend. "Hey (F/N)!""hey (Y/N)! how's it been?""great! I also want you to meet Jeremy–""I'm Jeremy,her boyfriend.""uhmm,okay?" He really didn't like the idea of meeting your friend as you mostly talked to them in the café and he just sat next to you,glaring at them from time to time.

At first,he told you that he's not going with you,but eventually,he gave in. "Jane,meet (F/N),my good 'ol friend.""hello there!""I'm Jane,are you a communist?" and your friend stared at him for a sec,"no...""good. I can't have my Cupcake in trouble." He went to the restroom. "sorry about that. He hates those type of people.""I can tell."

Clingy than usual,but it's okay for you. You really love his hugs anyways. "Aiden,meet (F/N).""hello.""hi. Can we go now?""Aiden,are you sure–""I wanna watch movies with you." and he rushed outside. "sorry (F/N),maybe next time.""sure,bye!"

He kinda liked your friend(as a friend okay.). "Tavish?""yes?""do you wanna hang out with (F/N)?""nah,I'd rather hang out with ye.""okay then,do you wanna get dr–""yep." and off you go to get drunk with him,but you don't drink much,so you're still a bit conscious.

He basically thinks that your friend is fine...FOR NOW. "I am Misha,and (Y/N) is mine.""geez,I ain't gonna steal her from you.""Misha is just warning leetle girl/boy." He followed you afterwards. "(Y/N),your manz is weird.""he's just like that,but he's serious by the way.""I got the hint so I guess I should go,bye.""see you soon!"

They seem to get along real well. He even taught them his doings,and to you they seem like children. "so Dell,how did it go?""s/he needs more practice but other than that s/he's fine.""it's so great to see you two together,I feel so giddy right now.""Ah mean,they not really interested in my degree but Ah guess they're fun to be with." You patted his back,assuring him that (F/N) is interested in something else.

They didn't really liked being around him since as we know him is,the crazed but sweet insane unlicensed doctor. "meine Schatz,(F/N) just left seconds ago.""why though?" He just shrugs,hiding the fact that he actually scared them. "nevermind,maybe next time. I just cooked dinner.""I'll be zhe one to eat it zhen.""hey! I also wanna eat it!" so you hurriedly ran to the dining table.

You told him to stop holding his gun around them. "oi can't help it. Oi'm sorry okay,can you forgive me?""lemme think about it." but here comes the worst. "please sheila?" you really hate it,because he always gives you his best "puppy dog eyes" which is adorable. "ughh,fine."

They get along,sometimes. "ma cherí,are 'ou really going to call zhem?""why not?""I don't like being around zhem,zhey are just a bit off.""but,I actually thought you two are getting along?""we are,it's just zhat,zhey are sometimes off zhe limits.""alright,I'll take that excuse,but next time I won't okay?""oui." so both of you cuddled until the end of the day.(Legends says that until this day,you are still cuddling. Jk XD.)

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