//You Both Apologize//

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He was walking,head hanging and swaying time to time. He thought about earlier and how he just walked out. He decided to make things right,so he bought your (f/f) and flowers. "alright! Jeremy,ya can do dis! just,say sorry to her! and uhh,kiss her..?" he thought. You heard a knock on the door,wiping your face,pretending that you were fine. "yes?""uh,hey sweetcheeks...""oh,Jeremy...hi.""look,I'm sorry for earlier,I'm a real jerk der. so?""I forgive you,if you have my—""got it right here!" and you know what happened next.

He didn't went after you or banged on the door. After 3 hours,you were feeling guilty and worried,so you went and checked on him. He was sleeping on the table,no one was around but beer bottles. You grabbed a blanket and placed it upon him,he grabbed your wrist and pulled you into a tight but gentle hug. "Cupcake,I'm sorry.""I know,Jane,I know. And so am I."

Like Scout,he felt bad for what he did. He brought you another (f/p) to take care of. "ok Aiden,this time,you ain't gonna get jealous of a pet!" he knocked on the door but no answer. So he barged in,and found out you fell asleep. "hello fire fly,I got you a new pet! I'm sorry and I promise I'm not gonna get jealous this time.""jealous? of (p/n)?""h-huh! oh,you're awake!" so you forgave him but he still had to fix the door.

You bought new replacement for his scrumpy,some non-alcoholic wine. You came back,tired and a bit heartbroken. You knew Tavish wasn't there anymore so,you grabbed the wine and opened it. But the moment you opened it,a loud running sound was heard. "I smell wine!""ahhh!—"(lol reference). Turns out,he was just in the bahroom,singing quietly to himself. "Tavish,why did you do that?""sorry lass! I never mean to break yer heart,please forgive me." and he cried,not letting you go but did for the wine.

You went to find him,tiring himself with weights. You rushed to him,grabbing a water bottle and a towel. "Misha,what do you think you're doing?""leetle bear? what are you doing here?""I was worried,also you didn't answer my question.""is fat,is all Misha's answer.""what?" and he pointed to his belly. You dragged him back home. "Misha,no you're not,you're chubby and I love you for that.""and?""and you're a human teddy bear."

You came back the next day,only to find him in bed. He isn't asleep as unexpected as it seems. "darlin'? are you here now?""yes Dell,I am.""that's what you always say,Ah need a hug.""Dell,it really is me,I'm back.""oh." but you got surprised when he suddenly ran up to you and hugged you while crying. "don't ever leave again! am Ah understood?""heh,alright Dell." and lots of "sorry"s were passed.

A few hours after that,he felt a bit guilty. A knock was heard afterwards,him opening it nervously. "hey Josef. I want to say sorry,and if that isn't enough,I'm going to leave—""vait fräu! I'm,I'm sorry too. It's going to pain me to see jou go. bitte,stay." He finally regretted what he did earlier,good thing he was fast enough to catch up with you.

After 3 minutes,he followed you,a kukri in hand and a sniper rifle on the other. He also had to stay up the trees. But alas,he was still found when he stepped on the wrong branch. "gah!—""huh?" you turned around quickly as fast as you can. You saw Mundy in a pile of dying leaves. "Mundy? what are you doing here? I thought you were mad.""mad? c'mon luv,Oi'm not mad,Oi thought you were the mad one 'ere.""I'm not mad,I'm just sad—""oh good.""—and dissappointed in you.""oh piss." you kissed his forehead. "but I still love you.""and so do Oi luv."

He woke up with the lady he brought last night,but instead of being quiet he actually screamed. "who-who are 'ou!? where is ma cherí?""you dumped her remember?""non,I did not!" so he went to search around to find you sleeping next to Sniper. He grabbed his knife,ready to attack. "how dare 'ou filfthy bushman! how dare 'ou sleep with ma amour!""whot?—" and Sniper was pinned on the wall,gun pointing on his head. "Laurent? what are you doing here? where's your tramp?""zhe random lady? I told her to go.""so,did you have fun last night?""fun? non! she was actually terrible.""uh huh. can you please let go of Sniper?""why? he didn't hurt 'ou did he? oh,I'll shoot him brain dead—""no he didn't.""I'm sorry ma belle,I hope 'ou can forgive me.""fine,I will just don't do it or I'll get the chainsaw." so you both kissed each other before hearing someone clear their throat. "uh mates,can you both save me before you make out?"

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