//You Accidentally Hurt Yourself//

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He'll grab Medic and run up to you. "oh god (Y/N)! are ya fine? where does it hurt? do I need to call an ambulance? are ya dying? oh no no no,I'm not allowing dat!""dummkopf,it's just a scratch,nozhing to be afraid of.""just a scratch!? doc,it can be worse than dat!""but it's just a little blood—""nope. doc,do it.""schweinhund."

You? hurt? hell NO! he'll carry you to Medic,swearing and blaming it on Merasmus. "CURSE YOU MERASMUS! I'LL KICK YOUR ASS BACK TO HELL!""Jane,it's a bruise,nothing serious.""no! I'll teach that Merasmus not to mess with you!" and after handing you to Medic he'll run to Merasmus,earning him a bloody nose when he came back. "god Jane! what happened?""damn Merasmus happened,sweetheart.""that's a new name.""vhat? a new injury? ackk!"

Will burn whoever or whatever caused his fire fly's pain. "Aiden,it's just a little bump from the table." and fwoosh,the table is now burning. "well,marshmallows?""yes!" well,at least he didn't burned the base down,oh wait,he just did. nevermind.

Gather all the alcohol and Medic as always. "here lass,some drinks and Medic,are ye okay now?""I guess." holding your hand where you accidentally pierced with a ballpen point. "thanks doc,and Tavish for the alcohol.""yer welcome love!" and if you wanted to know,yes,he was panicking when you told him about it.

So,you weren't coming with him to the gym? okay then,he'll just stay with you,everything will be fine anyways right? wrong. He was taking a nap when he heard you scream. He rushed,grabbing Sasha on the way there. "hurry and run babies!— uhh?""oh,hi Misha,I just stub my toe.""leetle bear is hurt да?""yep." he'll take a moment to inhale and scream,"DOKTORRRRR!". "ackk! was ist los?""leetle (Y/N) is hurt!""alright,kommen (Y/N),I vill heal jou.""thank you doktor,is nice."

With his ears,he'll hear you clearly even if it's a quiet scream as he is experienced with Spies sapping his sentries. "darlin'? how is the scrap of metal you're holdin'? it ain't heavy isn't it? want me to help?""no need Dell,I got this." but one stupid piece of metal just has to fall,and land on your foot. "aouch! what the heck was that?""dagnabbit dammit nabbit!" as he kicked the bloody metal. "sorry Dell.""it ain't your fault,sugar pea,that damn metal,Ah'll wreck it.""Dell,I don't think you should—" oh well,there he goes,wrecking the metal.

As much as he loves you,he just really need to kill the guy. (R/B) Scout just accidentally hit you with his baseball bat and ball. "Herr Scout? vhere are jou?~" he still didn't listened to you,even after how many times you told him not to. He finally caught Scout,"hallo zhere~""he-hey doc! wh-what do ya ne-need?""jou." Scout finally freed himself from the painful grip. "sorry doc,I ain't gay or anything! I'm reserving myself for Ms.P.""but zhe fräu isn't interested in jou hübin.""pshh,she's just lying! I'm awesome.""get out before I saw jour head off."

Where is that wanka? He kept on searching and searching,but what happened is that you just held (R/B) Spy's knife and swung it when it cuts you. "Mundy,Spy didn't even do anything,it was simply my fault.""stop defending him luv,Oi know he black mailed you.""no,he didn't—""Oi'll go to his room.""MUNDY NO!""Mundy yes." and you have to apologize to Spy for like the 10th time,for Mundy secretly replaced his wine with his piss.

Who dared hurt his ma belle? his princess? "tell me ma amour,who did it?""Laurent,no one did it was an accident.""accident or not,I want to know. so please tell me.""fine,it was Demo,but he didn't do anything wrong—""he puked on 'ou,forced 'ou to drink and made fun of 'ou for tripping! tell me what he didn't do wrong.""okay I admit,that was rude but he was drunk.""drunk or not,I'm going to gut him." you were going to stop him but it was too late,he was already on his way to the drunk man.

(A/N's Note : this was suggested by MkGlanzreich. Thank you for the suggestion and I hope you liked it :^) )

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