//When You're Sad//

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He'll try to comfort you in any possible way that he can. "what's da matter,dolly?  did ya got into a fight again?""no,I just feel sad...""aww,come here." he expands an arm on you,inviting you to a hug. You accepted,a small smile found it's way to your lips.

He would see you walking around with your head hanging low. He'll put an arm around you. "honey,what's wrong? do I need to beat up someone!?""no need,I'm just not in the mood.""Cupcake,I'm here,you can tell me." he won't stop asking until you tell him.

Balloonicorn will with you all day long. He'll give it to you since it makes him happy. "here,you can play with balloonicorn.""thank you..?""you're welcome,just don't be sad again." you'll give him a small smile.

Drinks? nope,he'll stay sober for you. He'll pat your back while you try to explain it to him without crying,but he always tell you that it's fine to cry. "lass,are ye okay now?""kinda,thanks again Tavish.""anything for ye."

Hugs and kisses are shared,yay! He'll let you sleep on him as long as you want. "leetle bear?""yes Misha?""is leetle bear crying?" you wiped your tears,"no,I'm not.""Misha doesm't like lying.""fine,yes I am,I'm just feeling unhappy.""Misha will help." and he gives you a bear hug and forehead kisses.

He'll give you a piece of wood. "follow me.""okay? how will this end my misery?" he went behind a disguised Spy and shouted. "VIBE CHECK!" and the Spy ran away after being hit. You found it pretty fun so you both ran around,vibe checking all the enemies.

You now have a personal therapist. He'll ask you everyday if you're alright. "fräu,kommen.""yes Josef?""so,is zhe therapy helping jou?""I guess,I do feel a bit depressed—""los geht's!" and if you wouldn't come with him,he'll carry you himself.

Mundy will take you outside to see nature as it does calms one's mind. "now,that's a beaut' sunset.""hmm,I think so too.""so,are you happy now or do Oi still need to?""I'm fine now,thank you Mundy.""anything for moi luv."

He'll definately spoil you. "Laurent,I don't need that.""non,I'll buy it for 'ou." sometimes he'll fight with the sales person. "give me all 'our entire stock.""but sir—""do 'ou wish for me to terminate 'ou?""no,sir...""good. now,here,give it to ma belle." and he points to you,while you were mouthing a "sorry" on the person he threatened.

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