//Valentine's Day//

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He too,can treat a lady properly,he just needs to find the one. And now that he did,he's happy to spend everything with you. "where are we going?""well,da arcade and maybe watch some movies.""anything else?""cuddling maybe?" and all of that happened.

He'll use the tips Spy told him. As much as he hates the frenchie,he had to or else he wouldn't be confident around you. "good morning Cupcake,how's sleep?""it was good,got any plans?""as a matter of fact,I do and that include you in it.""really? that's exciting.""it is Cupcake." he almost killed the chef just to make him give you the best food.

He made one mistake. He burned Scout for asking you out. "you didn't need to do that.""he'd being annoying,and I'm supposed to be the one asking you out.""oh? well,you have plans?""yup! come on,I made a reservation!" pulling you like the kid he is.

The bar of course! you tried to get him out but he's pretty whiny. "Tavish,we need to go back home,it's getting pretty late.""hold on (Y/N),I need a bottle.""you're drunk enough,I'm driving.""ye would? yer too kind for me." He was greeted by a hangover but it wasn't that bad,as he is the drunkard you know.

He'll dress up as a bear and will cuddle you for the rest of the day. "when will you let go?""nyet,Misha never let go.""tomorrow maybe? you know you just can't wait outside while I'm in the bathroom..""why? Misha crush baby men." you just can't argue with him.

Drawings are everywhere! he did said that he'll be the one to clean it. "you sure you don't need my help?""nah,Ah'm fine darlin'.""thank you,how can I ever repay you?""well,let me take you on a date and maybe spend time with you,how's that?" you nodded,him hugging you very gently.

He made sure that everything is under control. Except,he can't really stop Scout from barging in and just completely ignore him. "heya,got a second?""Herr Scout,if jou please—""I was asking (Y/N),dumbass." he was keeping his anger in,not wanting to mess this up. "Scout,what do you want?""I just wanna ask you out.""can't you see? we're already having our date,and you ruined it.""how about tomorrow?""Scout,if jou don't leave,I vill tie you und scare jou for life.""right,I'm out!" he left,but you just can't help but laugh. "somezhing funny?""I'm gonna be honest,that was kinda kinky.""oh? jou find zhat kinky? vell,at least someone likes it~.""you bastard." he chased you down until he was blocked by Heavy.

You both got to see a red moon. "that's pretty.""mhmm. Whoi don't you stay here and Oi go get something?""alright." not minutes later,you hear howling. "uhh,okay? that was weird." you were suddenly pinned to the ground. "hello sheila.""Mundy? what the heck! what are you wearing?""just thought Oi'll show you how werewolves mate~.""uhh,yeah thanks but..that's kinda weird..""whot do you mean?""you wearing that while..yeah,no.""good point,nevermoind,Oi'll cuddle with you instead.""much better." cuddles until you both fall asleep.

Ah,yes,the baguette man. He had almost 30 reservations for you. "hello,what would the couple want?""well,we will have one of 'our finest food.""that'll be—""take zhis and leave.""yes sir." food came 5 minutes later. "hope you enjoy!""zhat's ma cherì to judge.""it's okay—""okay? just okay? excusez-moi.""yes?""I said finest,not zhis.""uhh.." they returned to give you both the "finest" food. "so?""it's so good! also,aren't you being too harsh?""I agree but I only want what's good for 'ou,ma belle. Their standards are poor if so.""okay?" he had to shout at the manager for being too cold at you.

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