//He Gets Your Number//

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He went back to the field where you two met,thinking that you'll be there. And he was correct! He saw you sitting at the bench again,he hurriedly came to you. "Nice to see ya again,how are ya?""oh! I'm fine,how about you?""I'm feeling great!" you then proceeded to feed the pigeons. "Hey,can I..uhh..""have my number?""y-yeah! I just think you're awesome!""sure." and she handed him a paper and he immediately left.

He was wondering at the market again,hoping to see you. But you didn't appear. He was going home when he saw a paper sticked on the cart,just dangling. He came closer and found out that it was with your number and your name. He grabbed the paper and ran fast to his house. Now,he would call you everyday to check out on you. Sweet boi he is.

He went directly behind the tree,waiting for you. He saw a note on the tree,assuming it was your number. And his prediction is correct! He suddenly,but surely took it,trying not to look weird. He immediately calls you and told you to meet him back there.

He went out again,hoping to find his drinks and you. He found his drink,but you weren't there. He decided to took it before anyone else. It had a note taped infront with something written on it. He found out it was your number with your name. He was all giddy when he came home,laughing all the way.

He came back the other day and didn't found you. But when he opened his locker. A letter just in there,and he opened it. He locked his locker and just suddenly left with the letter in his bag,laughing like a kid with a crush,which in his situation,he does.

He went to buy more metal,but the truth is,he just wants to see you again. He didn't saw you,he thought that you were sick or something. But when he took metals,he saw numbers carved onto it. He then just act fast and immediately buying them,him knowing what was carved into it.

He searched for his books,and he saw the book he gave for you to read. He took it with him to the table,reading the book that he let you read. He saw a note with numbers on them. He knew it was your number,so he called you. He got kicked outside though,for being too noisy. He was screaming and running around telling everyone that he got your number. Now isn't that sweet?

He already woken up,he didn't see you though. Instead of you beside him,there was a note. He was smiling to himself,knowing that he did a good job on giving you the hint. He drank his coffee as fast as he can and started to call you.

He went back to the bar,thinking that you'll be there. Even though he knows that you're probably busy to go there. The bartender told him about it and handed him a piece of paper,"now,get out of here and call her!" and everyone cheered. "many zhanks." and he left to call you.

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