//You Have Fights//

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He hates it when you're too busy. So he would sometimes annoy you,which leads too fights. "Jeremy,you gotta stop doing that.""but,you're always busy.""Jeremy,I'm doing this for us,for you mostly—""yeah right. I'm going out.""Jeremy,please listen.""no need (Y/N). I understand,I'm a huge waste of your time." after saying that,he left.

He shouts way too much. You would wake up earlier than expected just to find him shouting. "Jane,you got to stop shouting from time to time.""sorry Cupcake,I thought it would be easier than waking them one by one.""that's true,but you gotta stop that." but he never listens. You walked up to him one day. "good morning Cupcake!""Jane,stop. How many times do I gotta remind you of the shouting?""I told you,I'm sorry Cupcake,I just can't wake them up one by one—""that's the same excuse you use everytime I told you to stop." so you went to your room and locked him out.

You spend way too much time on pets. He gets more angry than jealous,so he accidentally poured his anger on you one day. "Aiden,when will you trust me? I won't leave you.""(Y/N),I believe you it's just that you don't seem to mean it.""Aiden,how will I prove it to you then?""(Y/N) give me a break!" you were shocked. He just suddenly raised his voice at you,you for once didn't really think he was one to do so. He left,slamming the door shut.

It was fun getting drunk with him,but sometimes it just went too far. "Tavish,you need to stop getting drunk.""why?""because you just take it too far.""I don't see what I'm doin' wrong!""Tavish,you literally vomited on me twice,on our bed and on the couch.""so?""I'm taking your scrumpy for tomorrow—""lassie,ye wouldn't dare.""oh,I would.""fine then! I wouldn't talk to ye!""and I'm not listening to you insult me. I'm looking after you Tavish,please know that." but he just stayed silent and you left.

It's not really your fault,but he feels as if he was too well...fat. "leetle (Y/N),Misha will go to gym,please do not call me,I am busy.""uhh,sure." but after what feels like a century,he hasn't returned. You looked at your phone,in worry,you called him. "Misha?""da? leetle girl,why you call Misha? thought I said not to.""Misha,I'm worried,can you come home now?""nyet,Misha stay here." and that's all he said before putting down his phone.

He's definately tired. You would wake up in the middle of the night to see him working on something. "Dell?""hello darlin',you need somethin'?""you Dell,we need to sleep,you need to sleep.""don't worry about me darlin',you can go and sleep without me.""Dell,I'm tired of this excuse,this is my last warning before I leave you.""really darlin'? you're jokin' right? just,go to bed." so,you did left,the next morning the door was unlocked when he checked in.

You were always a surprise to him,but sometimes,accidents happen because of that. "zhis go hier,und zhis go hi—""hey Meds!""Scheiße!" and the jar of eyeballs crashed,leaving a bloody mess. "uhh,I'll return later—""don't.""w-what?""I said don't. jou need to control jourself,jou are not allowed in hier until jou can control jourself." you felt hurt,wounded to be honest. You left,fighting back tears.

He drinks coffee way too much,as in too too much. "Mundy,honey,you need to stop that. I'm even shocked myself to see you alive.""luv,Oi need moi coffee,you know that.""no,what you need is to relax and stop drinking this. I won't force you to sleep anyways.""nah,luv listen,Oi'm toired and oi need moi coffee.""Mundy,don't you dare.""give it!" so you threw the mug away. "you need to chill,I'm going for a walk."

Can you blame him? I guess. He comes home drunk or disgusted. And you guessed it,or both. "Laurent? where are you?" then you hear giggles and a feminine voice (Uh oh...). You heard it in his smoking room. You couldn't brush of an explicit image in your head. "Laurent? are you in here?" you knocked on the door before pushing it open. There you saw the lady beside him,an arm wrapped around her shoulders. "Laurent,what's the meaning of this?""oh,bonjour! who are 'ou?""Laurent,I'm your girlfriend.""non. zhis woman is my girlfriend." he's clearly drunk but that was harsh. "Laurent,is this the woman you talked about?""oui." and then the worst came,he kissed her as if you weren't there. You left,not even saying anything.

(A/N's Note : didn't really make it that sad at all lol,I just can't XD)

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