//Reaction To Your Old Crush//

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He was glad that you chose him instead of your old crush. You eventually told him about (C/N). "so,where did ya met him?""at school,we became friends." he nods as he looked at more of (C/N)'s pictures. "did ya never told him?""no,I guess we just aren't made for each other." he wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you closer to him,"maybe because you're made for me~""okay,you dork."

You were hugging Lieutenant Bites,while he scrolls to find pictures of (C/N). "Cupcake,who is this?" sounding sternly,you smiled at him. "He's my old crush,you don't have to worry about it." you kissed his cheek,and went back to petting the raccoon. "I guess you didn't like him?""he's fine,but I never really confessed to him.""and I guess it's worth it." this got you confused,"why?""cause I met you."

He didn't really mind it since you're together anyways. But,that doesn't stop him for being jealous. "hey (Y/N)?""yes buttercup?""who's this?" and he showed you a picture of (C/N) and you,hugging each other. "Aiden,that's my old crush.""can I burn these?""hmm,sure I guess. But leave one picture,that's just a souvenir for me.""okay!" so he hurriedly grabbed all the photos and left one,the one he showed you. Let's just say he had fun burning them. He also laughed maniacly while doing so.

You guessed it! He was drunk when he found out about him. "(Y/N)?""what Tavish?""this photos of yer mans?""uhmm,no?" so you took the pictures away from him,thinking that'll work. But he found them again the next day,when he was sober again. "is this yer mans?""Tavish,no. If he was then I wouldn't be single.""aye,fair enough." and he went to buy more of his drinks. You just sighed as you hid them again.

He was smiling at you,knowing that you wouldn't lie to him. "who is this leetle man?""he's my old crush Misha,never confessed to him so don't worry.""alright...does leetle girl still like baby man?""no,not anymore." and you hugged his arm,showing him that you don't need some random guy because you have your Russian teddy bear. And he's enough for you.

He got jealous because he wanted to be your first love. "darlin',can Ah throw those away?""why though?""Ah just don't like the way you would look at these pictures of him.""Dell,are you jealous?""nah! Ah'm not!" he said,face bright red and sweating. "awww! is my Dell jealous?""A-ah told y-you,Ah-ah'm no-not!" still hiding the fact that's he's really red. You spend the day calming him down,telling him that he doesn't have a reason to be jealous.

He told you that he'll get your old crush,and by that,I mean he'll kill him. "Josef,no. You don't have to do that.""warum nicht,meine liebe?""Josef,he didn't do anything.""but I just vant jou to never replace me.""I'm not replacing you! I'll never replace you!" so he clinged on you tightly. "do jou promise?""yes,I do."

He was calm about it,but having a mental breakdown. "sheila,do you still loike him?""Mundy,no need to get jealous okay? I love you enough,my heart doesn't have enough space to put (C/N) in it.""alroight,Oi'm just making sure.""now go on,you got a job to do." so he left,not before giving you a long but passionate kiss.

He was furious,not because of you,but because of (C/N). "How dare he! stealing my girl! who does he zhinks he is?""Laurent? are you in here?""h-huh? oh,oui,I am ma cherì. Do 'ou need somezhing?""no,I just heard shouting.""o-oh! so-sorry,ma belle. 'ou can go to bed now.""aren't you coming?""alright,I'll come with 'ou." but deep inside,you're just hiding the fact that you actually heard him shout about (C/N) which makes you laugh and blush at the same time. I mean think about it,the Laurent you know that's so chill and calm became furious because of your silly little crush.

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