//His Reaction When You're With His Enemy//

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(A/N's NOTE : This is what I think their enemy/ies will be,so please don't tell me that their friends or something,enjoy!)

You being with (R/B) Heavy makes him furious. He'd stomp his way to you,his eyes darting at Heavy then stopping at you. "Hey dere Heavy,why are ya here?" saying through gritted teeth. "leetle man,go home and cry to mama!""I ain't leaving my girl with ya! God knows what'll happen to her!" you placed a hand on his shoulders and nodded. He left with a huff,but he stayed behind the doors. "sorry Heavy,gotta go. Maybe someday.""is alright. Heavy understands,good bye.""bye!" and you ran to the direction Jeremy went.

(R/B) Demoman better run for his life before this neck-snapping cadet snaps HIS neck. He'll either hug you from behind in surprise or pulls you close to him by hugging your waist. "Cupcake,let's go! I planned a day for us!""hold on Jane! I need to talk with him.""but whyyyyyyy?" you ignored him and went over to Demo. "hey there,(Y/N)...""Hey Demo,can we do this next time? he's getting impatient.""oh! sure,just tell me when,aye?""okay."

Would hiss and growl more often. He doesn't like it when (R/B) Spy is around,especially with you. He would glare at him through his mask. "(Y/N),how longer are we going to stay?""Aiden,is that how much you hate him?""you know me (Y/N)." You looked at him then at the approaching Spy. "okay,let's go then."

ahh,yes. (R/B) Soldier. "Tavish,wouldn't you greet him?""no,he isn't my friend. why would I greet him?""Tavish,just this once please?""alrigh'." Soldier comes up to the both of you. "hey (Y/N)! and Tavish...""aye,can we leave?" you nudged him. "ow,hey Solly..." you watched both closely at the rest of the day. "so?""no."

(R/B) Scout of all people,you're friends with him. If he wants to go,he'll carry you and run somewhere else,leaving Scout confused for some reason and just leave too. "Mikhail,you gotta stop carrying me and running somewhere else.""but Misha just doesn't like leetle baby man.""are you jealous?""nyet,Misha not jealous of leetle man.""if you say so,big guy." you went to Scout and kissed his cheek. Heavy ran infront of you two and kicked Scout out. He picked you up and cuddled with you. "I love you too." but Heavy just pouted.

He's fine with it as long as nothing happens between the two of you then that's fine. But usually he gets impatient,especially without no one to talk to. "come on darlin',Ah got no one to talk to.""then why don't you join us?""ja Herr Engineer." (R/B) Medic said,appearing from behind you. As he was going to place a hand on your shoulder,Dell pulled you close to him. "Me and mah doll are leavin'.""vhy?""none of your business,pardner."

He'd be behind him all the time. "hey Engie!""hello darlin'.""hallo Herr Engineer.""hey there pardner..." You glared at Medic for a sec before continuing with Engie. "so how are you these days?""Ah'm fine darl—""oh,gut! Auf wiedersehen!" so he pulled you away with him,running away.

He would definately always put a gun on his head. Even one move from (R/B) Spy,and boom,he's dead. "oi,spook! whot are you doing 'ere?""visiting zhe madame.""she ain't 'ere.""well,zhat's a pity." and Sniper just hummed,ignoring and agreeing with Spy at the same time. But the truth is,you're sleeping peacefully,Sniper just really doesn't want to share what's his.

Whether it's (R/B) Pyro or (R/B) Sniper,he still wouldn't allow them to see you. He'll think of an excuse just for him to spend time with you. "bonjour bushman,if 'ou are looking for zhe woman,I'm afraid she is outside.""oh! that's not whot Oi'm 'ere fo—""oh please,'ou don't have to be shy,she's clearly zhe reason why 'ou are here.""alroight then,g'day anyways.""au revoir."

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