//When You're Away//

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He didn't let go of your leg for about 7 hours,as you last remember. "Jeremy,I need to leave.""but why? why not stay here? did I do something wrong again?""no you didn't,I just really need the job. And I'm going to be late for the interview!""den,I'm going with ya!" but you still left. He cried himself at night,thinking that you wouldn't come back.

He'll be the one to pack your stuff. "okay! this is for your lunch!""Jane,this is enough for 11 people—""take it or leave it Cupcake.""fine." he tries to keep his act up but in reality he's screaming internally. "no Cupcake,there are communists out! you're not safe!" his brain literally thought.

You got locked in your room,him guarding it from the outside. But that didn't stop you from escaping,and you escaped by the window but not before leaving him a note. "So,(Y/N) did you learn your lesso— (Y/N)!?" he found the note and well,cried while being held by his teammates.

Drunk state? nope. He's completely sober as he watch you leave,after that he packed his stuff and prepared the wine,ready to run after you if you needed help. "mate,don't you think that's too much—""too much ain't enough ye wee lad!""mate,whoi don't we just—""no!" and he left,failing miserably to get Demo to leave your room.

He'll probably over work himself,but his friend is there for him. "Misha,I'll see you next time! I'll miss you,good bye!""bye bye,Misha's leetle bear." but he'd probably follow you anyways. "coming!" you opened the door,"Misha?""hello (Y/N)! how is Misha's bear?""I'm alright,why are you here? and how did you know?""нет,too much questions. Misha just loves Russia and leetle bear (Y/N)."

Even you did promised him to not leave again,you have to. "don't you really have a choice,darlin'?""sorry sweetie,as much as I love you,I don't a choice.""well,Ah'll be sure to miss you sugar,it ain't the same without you.""I'll miss you too,good bye.""good bye,honeybee." he silently cry at night,missing you so badly.

Will stay up late as usual,always in his lab. He'll talk to the Spy Head until you came back. "jou know Herr Spy,I'm tired of zhis. I'll go to her!""mon ami,please,don't. 'Ou can wait for her,I'll keep 'ou company—""jou alvays say zhat! I can't take it anymore!""please,Medic,just wait a little longer and 'ou'll see her again—""arghh! fine."

He'll drink and piss more often. He'll star gaze while you're gone,thinking that the stars are just you,watching over him. "luv,Oi miss you.""me too Mundy.""wait luv? is that you?" he turned around but nobody was with him. He'll hear your voice everyday whenever he'll watch the stars. Maybe it's just because he miss you too much.

Pictures of you and him is scattered everywhere. He'll end up hiring a person to watch over you while you're away. "ma cherí,where are 'ou? I miss 'ou so much.""spook? you speaking to yourself again?—""shut it,'oh bushman. 'Ou don't know how it feels like to have someone away from 'our arms.""alroight,Oi'll leave you to it.""zhank 'ou."

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