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(A/N's Note: xanax_diva 😓 sorry this took longer than expected since I've been having a massive writer's block but here you go ^^! Hope you like it!)

He will enjoy every last second of it. Wearing all kinds of dresses he can find and fit into. And it doesn't matter if it's revealing,if he looks good in it then he wears it. He'll probably goof around,here and there but at least you're there to look after him. "hey handsome~ would you be–ow,ow,ow,ow,ow.""that's it,we're going home. Have a nice day,stranger."

Would scream that he has grown tumors in his chest and you had to explain what that really is. He wouldn't act any different but would create a distraction during battles. "Cupcake,I'm about to make a distraction.""Jane,no!""sorry honey,I'm not backing up."

Others won't notice not until you appeared behind him. He still doesn't show his face around anyone but you. He'll do it often since you make him look pretty,then you help him find the perfect outfit. You often go for tea parties with him confidentally wearing a dress instead of his casual clothes. Some might give him weird looks as he happily skipped to the women's clothing store. "Aiden,are you sure about this?""yup!""this is like half the sto–""shhh,it's fine."

We all know this guy is like sleeping or drunk like probably always. So,he probably won't even notice it not unless someone points it out or he's sober. Like Soldier,he might do a strip tease if he's drunk and you won't be able to stop him. "Tavish,we talked about this..""sorry lass,I'm too drunk for this anyways."

He'd keep his hair in a bun most of the time,while his teammates stare at him in disbelief. No one really expected to see him with hair..EVER. He's not complaining but he likes to look in the mirror to see his hair. "Ya know,I'm still not used to seein' Heavy wit' his hair..""and so am I,but he seems to enjoy so I will too.""wait,really? Makes sense."

He'll come to you after saying that he doesn't have manly features anymore. Now,he'll act like a mom to almost everyone on the team. He would carry a wooden spoon on the battlefield and would smack the soul out of the enemy Spy. "Everythin' changed except his height,right fellas?–ow!""Ah reckon that you watch your mouth,son.""geez,can't take a joke?""Ah mean,you're here so,Ah can."

We all know this man is a smartass. He knows what to do whether it be a male,female or whatever entity they are. The moment he saw that his original features have been replaced with feminine ones,he'll be calm. But on the inside,he was scared. Was he going to stay like this forever? Is he also going to experience periods?! Oh god,hopefully not..He's seen your face in pain while that happened so he was freaking out. You told him to calm down and think about the advantages of being a woman. "Jou're right,Schatz..maybe I should consider zhat.""uh huh.""so does zhat means I could hit men vithout getting hit back? Zhat's wunderbar! I'll be right back,liebling,just got somezhing to do.."

His screams are the ones that woke you up. You asked him what's wrong but the very moment that he turned to you,you could only stare in bewilderment. He had to excuse himself to the bathroom then you remembered that he wasn't wearing any pants,only his boxers. So,you darted your eyes else where but still sneak few glances here and there while he made his way to the toilet. He stared at the jar in his hand. He needed to make jarate to use for the battle but how is he going to pee inside of it? He placed the bottle on the floor and sat on it,making sure he got it. "Sniper,are you done? It would be really lovely to use he bathroom right now..""Done. Go ahead.""thank you–oh my god! Why is there a messy patch of piss on the floor? Actually,don't even answer that."

He knows a bit about women anatomy so he doesn't panic much. But if he does,the reasons are the same as Medic's problems. You're always there when that happens though,you don't want to see him in such a mess. You taught him everything you could and you know. Almost every man you come across with would try to flirt with him. "Damn,you looking fine!~""ah,merci.""so,how far would it be to take you home?~""as far as you being beaten in the middle of the sidewalk." You glared at the man,you being taller then him. Spy likes to watch the man get intimidated by you and just smirks,maybe when he gets back to his original form he'll let you do that to him.

(P.s. thanks for all the reads,comments and votes! Really appreciate you guys and gals,hope you have a wonderful day/noon/evening! Love you all!)

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