//He Proposes//

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(A/N)'s Note : I didn't put two decisions as it is quite heart breaking to say no to the mercs TwT)

He was sweating the whole time. He wasn't sure if you'll say yes,it's his first time anyways. You were both staring at the moon's reflection on the lake. "hey (Y/N),can you close your eyes and turn around for a sec?""okay? that's kind of suspicious.""it's a surprise." he knelt and took a few seconds before continuing. "okay,you can turn around and open them.""what's happ-""will you..marry me?""is this for real?""yeah,I can't stop thinking about living with you forever.""I'm speechless..yes." he was first to cry and hug you for dear life.

He gave his helmet,saying that you should wear it until the end of the day. He was waiting for you on the roof,at the end of the day. "you called for me?""hello Cupcake,why don't you take a seat?""thank you,that's a beautiful sunset by the way.""yeah..why don't you check my helmet while I do something?""that's a bit weird but sure." you felt a box,he was kneeling but you were so focused on the ring inside it. "Cupcake,will you be mine?""oh my..I can't..yes!" you almost fell but good thing you both have good balance. He held you tight,preparing to rocket jump.

Candies are everywhere! He was standing in the middle of the dimly lit room. You were in the fight or flight mode while walking towards him. "hello (Y/N)! I know this is a bit fast but I just want you to know that you've made me happy,you had shown me the feeling of being loved.""don't tell me..""will you make me your husband for life?" you were to happy to even answer but once he heard it,he was too happy that he sat the enemy on fire.

Yup,he wasn't drunk,there was no trace of alcohol on him. You were glad but also confused. "no alcohol? that's a new record.""lass,I know it's sudden,but I want ye to know that I love ye. I was wondering if ye would consider on marrying me?" you were holding back tears,half of your brain was saying yes while the other thinks he's just a little drunk. "you know,drunk or not,yes." he held his chest for a moment before carrying you outside,screaming out his lungs for being "the happiest man alive."

Let me tell you,he decided to brawl with a Siberian bear to death. He came out alive anyways but you gently slapped him for scaring you. "is no problem,Misha just feels happy.""just don't do that again! jeez,you almost made me jump in there and help you!""Misha is sorry,doesn't mean for leetle bear to worry,but would like to say da on this one.""wait what?-""will (Y/N) agree on marriage with big Russian bear?""oh my gosh..yes,is that why you killed the bear?""da,Misha too happy,wants to kill for leetle bear." well,at least he made dinner.

You can't help but laugh as Scout was chased around,screaming. "hey darlin',can Ah talk with you?""course you can,so,what's up?""Ah've been waitin' for this,sweetpea,Ah would like to have you in my future.""god,yes!" you were now both hugging each other when Scout decided to be killed by Engie by pushing him further more.

This man can be sweet too! He just shows it to a special person. He was cleaning the lab secretly,he prepared a date in there. "ah,jou are avake! kommen,ve haff plans for today.""that's nice,what's first?""jou get dressed und meet me back heir.""okay." you came back after 3 minutes. Just to see him in a texudo and was keeping his hands behind. "right,are we going somewhere?""nein,just heir,but I vould like to ask a question vithout further a do." he was now kneeling in front of you. "vould jou like a man like me in jour life?""holy..yes." you were shock to see him cry as he's never really seen like that.

He invited you to play hide and seek with him,but he actually forced you. "Mundy? where are you?""Oi'm here! oh wait,shi-""found you- uhhh..""hello Sheila,it seems that you have found me,now,Oi'll give you this." he gave you the ring. "is this?""you can't back out now,we're getting married!" yes,he didn't asked you if you want to. He was happily guiding you back to the van,smiling to himself.

You were spoiled with gifts here and there. He apparently told 20 mall manager to give you all the things that they have. "ahh,you must be Mrs. (Y/N)?""Mrs? you must be mistaken.""I'm sure I'm not,a man in a suit told me so.""Laurent.""yes,him." and he appeared out of nowhere. "bonjour ma belle,how's zhe gifts?""you told him that I'm a Mrs?""oui,why? would 'ou like to marry me first before they entitle 'ou as Mrs?""wait..""oui,would 'ou?" well,you got spoiled even more after you answered a quick "yes" at him.

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