//If He Was A Yandere//

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= would run after you if you leave his sight for too long
= and if he sees you with someone else,they're dead.
= as for you,he'll lock you up in a room until you learned your lesson
= he then would proceed to tell you that he's only looking out for you
= "(Y/N),I'm always here for you."

= would threaten to have your loved ones' heads
= then apologize if you cry
= anyone who despise you would be gone in a minute
= same goes for anyone who came in contact with you
= "Cupcake,I'm never leaving your side."

= he'd kidnap you after he successfully burned your house down
= doesn't want you to be afraid of him but failing to do so
= bonding would include with you and him being locked together
= or just you two handcuffed with eachother
= "firefly,you're not leaving me,right?"

= he would immediately sober up when he saw you talking with someone
= and they'll return back home with a big surprise
= when both of you are drinking,he tries to drink less than you
= then you would spend the entire night in his arms
= "lass,I want ye to know that I'm doing this for ye."

= no one would dare try to mess with him and especially you
= he would be more of a bodyguard whenever he's with you
= anyone who looks at you will end up on the other side of the road
= so people who knew better would just look at the ground
= "leetle girl doesn't hate Misha,does she?"

= wherever you are,there is always a sentry guarding you
= would prefer that you stay near him during battles
= but if outside of battle,he'll make a robo-dog just to check on you
= numerous bullets could be found inside a body if they ever interact with you
= "darlin',Ah know you won't leave me."

= we all know what'll happen to anyone who pisses him off
= what about you? well,if you made him mad then you'll be tied up for the rest of the day
= he'll even keep them in a special containment
= overall,just your regular,daily,insane Medic
= "I zhought jou know better,Schatz. I'll be back."

= he'll stalk from afar using his sniper rifle
= but he'll bring a binocular incase you saw the dot
= he'll definately use his rifle for something else...
= you would know this but would notice his van
= "oh,S-sheila! How'd you saw me..? oh...."

= this man would be everywhere at anytime
= and you wouldn't know,mainly because of his devices
= he'd go as far as disguising as someone and becoming friends with you
= and for people who don't get the hint,well you know what's gonna happen
= "tu es à moi et seulement à moi(you are mine and only mine),understood?"

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