//First Kiss//

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He was nervous first but managed to grab all his courage and kissed you. It was inexperienced but what would you expect from him anyways? But even though,you still love him very much.

It was rough but gentle. As if you were fragile to him,one touch and you'll get hurt. He was tough,but not that time. He was a blushing mess when he did that,saying that he didn't know what he just did. But,you just gave him another one to shut him up.

He slowly approached your lips. It was really sweet,probably the sweetest kiss you'll ever have. He even taste like chocolate himself. But other than that,you like it very much.

He literally taste like scrumpy. That's it. But..you liked it on how he really means it,the kiss. He wants you to be comfortable while he does that.

Rough,and well..rougher. He still makes sure that you're okay with that. He just yanked you to him and he started to kiss you. You love that bear of yours.

He shyly did it. He asked you for permission before continuing. He just wants to make sure you're not going to hate him for that. But who'll get mad at this texas sweet beef?

He does it the opposite from Soldier. He does it gentle but rough. Or is it the same? I dunno anymore. What I know is that as long as you're enjoying it,he's enjoying it too.

He was having a mental breakdown when he was thinking about it. You told him that he'll be fine,but he won't listen. But he was able to regain his composure after that. The kiss was a shy one,one kiss before another. He's a shy boi.

Calm about it since he had past experiences. But was secretly freaking out. Thinking that he'll mess it and that you'll probably bitch slap him. We don't know. But good news,you didn't slap him,though you had to smack his head before the kiss.

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