//Watching A Horror Movie//

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(A/N)'s Note : I'm sorry for the late update,I've been busy but I'm back so yeah,enjoy!

He'll act all tough but will cuddle with you when he's scared,he wouldn't tell you why though. "so? was it good?""ye-yeah..it's great,hehehe..""up for another one?" but he just ran.

He'll peak from time to time while wearing his beloved helmet. He won't let you go until the end of the movie. "Jane,I need to go to the bathroom—""no,something might kidnap you from under." and he'll hug you tighter,at least he didn't try to punch the television.

He's behind you when watching without the mask. But if he was then he's surprisingly clapping and giggling while you stare at him. "do you want to wear your mask?""nah,I'll be fine.""you sure?""yup!" in the end,he still did.

Bottles are everywhere when both of you are watching. He's the first one to pass out,you drink a bit for fun. "Tavish? you still awake?""mrrghh..""okay,nevermind." so you end up being the one to clean the mess,but you'll have surprises in the morning.

Being the big bear he is,he'll allow you to hide behind him if you're scared. And only you,he'd kick anyone who comes close to you or him. "eyy,big guy,can ya—""nyet." and you have found a flying Scout. He will allow Medic but from time to time only.

He has to be infront since he's a small baby. Which is good for him since he loves back hugs. "hey Dell,do you want to switch places?""well,no,as much as Ah want to,Ah'd rather not.""sure?""yes,thank you for the offer." another night with back cuddles,yay!

We all know this man is a psychopath so he's rarely scared. But he will sing a lullaby to you. "fräu? are jou haffing troubles sleeping?""kind of..""here,let me." and he started humming a tune,success! He kissed your forehead before returning to his slumber.

He'll be allowing you to hold his kukri in case you felt something. "luv,Oi'm going to the toilet,stay there.""uhh,can you at least hurry up?""don't worry luv,Oi will." and he ran to the bathroom,keeping his promise. He arrived 10 seconds later. "phew,luv?""eek!" you almost stabbed him,you're glad he has fast reflexes and perfectly dodged the incoming attack.

Who said he can't cloak and scare you? well,you did but he wants to see your reaction either way. "amour,I'll get zhe snacks,wait here.""okay!" oh,he lied. He cloaked himself and returned while slowly approaching you. "boo!""holy sh—! SPY!" he was laughing his ass out. "sorry ma cherì,'ou know I don't mean it.""well,it sounds like you are.""I'm sorry,here,'ou can use me as defense.""fine,but you'll have to clean the mess later." he agreed to it. So,you left him with a broom afterwards.

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