//He Whispers In Your Ear (2)//

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(A/N's Note : this is rushed and not entirely them whispering in your ears since,I'm pretty sure my ears would be bleeding if Soldier screamed in them..anyways,good bye and have a great day/noon/night!)

= "heya,like to– are ya crying? Oh shi– shh,come here..tell me all ya need to tell me,I'll listen.."
= "yo,pretty lady! *hic* d-drunk? I'm *hic* I'm no-t drunk,hehe.."
= "hey dolly–acK! No,it's fine,ahaha..I surprised ya,dat's all."
= "hey,uhm..have you..ever..considered having a kid? Not that I'm rushing ya but...just wanna know..oh,what for? Well,nothin'.."

= "HELLO CUPCAke...sweetheart,are you alright? Why are you crying? God,Merasmus did something,didn't he? CURSE YOU,MERASMUS! I'LL KICK YOUR SCRAWNY ASS WHEN I SEE YOU!"
= "HELLO CADET! DRUNK? *hic* WHO'S *hic* WHO'S DRUNK? M-ME? I'M *hic* I AM MOST CER‐CERTAINLY *hic* NOT DRUNK! *hic* oops..s-sorry cupcake.."
= "boo! oof–hehe,sorry cupcake. Just asking if you want to go somewhere?"
= "honey,are you fond of small,running soldiers? Why? Oh well,for some..things.."

= "firefly,do you– uhh..firefly? are you crying? something wrong? come here,we can do whatever you want together,today."
= "fire..firefly,I do-don't *hic* feel so..g-good.."
= "hello firefly..*starts tickling you* I'm gonna win this time–oof! Alright,hahaha–alright..y-you win!"
= "uhh,firefly..do you like..kids? What even..are..kids? Why? Umm..just asking."

= "aye! lass,I– lassie? princess,what's wrong? Oh? come here,we can cuddle and pass out if ye want.."
= "go-good day,lassie! *hic* has..any-anyone told..*hic* ye look..very..ehehe..very pre-pretty? *hic*"
= "hello lass..nothing just wanna hug ye..zzzz.."
= "princess..ermm..what do ye think of kids? Why? Uhh..f-forgot to do so-something,see ye lass!"

= "hello leetle..is (Y/N) sad? Heavy is not troubled to listen to leetle bear,come on,we go somewhere you like."
= "heavy feel..funny *hic* would l-like..another! Or..not..he-heavy feel like...ex-exploding.."
= "hello leetle bear,would like help? Misha just wants (Y/N) by his side.."
= "leetle bear,uhh..is leetle bear found..tiny bears,cute? Why? Uhh..oh! Doktor is calling,good bye!"

= "darlin',are y– darlin'? Why are you cryin'? Come on,Ah'll tell the men not to bother us..we're goin' to your favorite place."
= "Ah'm fine,darlin'..ju-just few *hic* hi-hiccups,here 'n t-there.."
= "sugarcube–agh! Sorry for scarin' you,heh..continue whatever your doin',sweetpea."
= "honeybee,ever thought of...kids? Why? Ah mean–Ah'm not r-rushin'–just somethin'...nevermind,but if you ever change your mind,you know where to find me."

= "mein liebe,vhere– liebe? Vhat is zhe matter? Oh? Kommen,I vill clear mein schedule for today..let's do somezhing togezher!"
= "drunk? *hic* how ab-absurd! I vould n-never be– *hic* maybe I am.."
= "fräu–oof! No vorries,I'm fine,see? Anyvays,need help?"
= "err..taube? Vhat do zhink about..kids? Vhy? Uhh..research purposes?"

= "'ello,roo! Oi..roo? Whoi are cryoing? Come on,roo,we're getting a pet..you can choose."
= "Oi'm just *hic* ta-taking a well..d-deserve *hic* rest.."
= "luv–argh! Calm down,roo..Oi'm okay,see? Come on,you need to take rest.."
= "Oi'm not one to ask this but..do you want..kids? Whoi? Umm..Oi could..move moi practice tomorrow.."

= "amour? Are 'ou...I'll be right back..I'm back,zhere are dummies in zhe back if 'ou feel like letting off steam and food in zhe fridge just for 'ou..anyzhing 'ou want,tell me."
= "I'm pretty sure..I *hic* can handle my alcohol..unlike zhose co–*hic* cowards.."
= "cherí–oof! It's alright,amour..no one is hurt,me specifically..do 'ou need help?"
= "ma belle,are 'ou..ready for a..kid? Why? Ermm..I could prepare zhe bed,if 'ou are..zhat is.."

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