Quidditch world cup

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Amber's POV:

"Wake up!" Harry Potter laughed as he hit me over the head with the pillow that was previously lying on my bed. He had always loved hitting me with pillows to wake me up.
"Calm down Harry, I'm getting up." I groaned groggily.
"Well it doesn't look like it, now get up we need to leave soon." Harry joked while walking out of my room.

"He's right you know."  My uncle, Remus Lupin said as he stood in my doorway.
"I know, but my bed is so warm and it's still dark outside." I groaned.
"Well if we want to get there on time I would suggest that you get up and go eat breakfast" advised James who now had come and pulled my blankets off of me.

I had lived with my uncle Remus since I was a baby. James, Lily, and Sirius had helped raised me, then James and Lily had Harry a few months before my second birthday.

I walked past Harry and ruffled his hair and said,
"That's for hitting me with a pillow."
"It wasn't even that hard!" harry argued while trying to fix his hair.
"It's karma Harry, it always comes and gets you" I said with a grin on my face.

I grabbed a banana and started eating it while Sirius explained how we were going to get there.
"We are going by floo to the Weasley's, and then we will take a portkey to the match. Whenever we visited the Weasley's we would always go by the floo network.

After breakfast I went back upstairs and made sure I had everything. Once I was sure everything was packed I came back downstairs and sat on the couch.  Remus came to sit next to me.
"Everything packed?" he asked. I nodded, while flipping through one of my books. I had always liked to read, Remus would read to me when I was little and I adored it.

Eventually, everyone came down with their trunks and backpacks. We were all ready to go to the burrow. Remus went first, he grabbed some floo powder and said very clearly "The Burrow!" then he disappeared in green flames. We all repeated the action, until we were all in the living room of the Weasley family home.

"Amber!" shouted Fred and George as the saw me on the floor. They immediately ran over to me and helped me up, and then pulling me into tight hugs.
"how have you been?" I asked as they let me free from their grip.
"Not too bad." answered Fred.
Just working on a surprise" George smirked. They were always working on 'surprises'.

We said our hello's to Molly, Bill, Charlie, and Percy before we set off to the portkey. I walked with Fred and George talking about anything and everything we thought of.

After a little while of walking Mr. Weasley introduced us to Amos Diggory, Cedric Diggory's father. Then Cedric jumped out of a tree, he always has to make a grand entrance I thought to myself.  After Cedric shook hands with Mr.Weasley he looked over to me and the twins.

Cedric jogged over to us and immediately pulled me into a hug. When we broke apart a looked at him and smiled losing myself in his eyes. I had met Cedric in my first year when he was in his second year. He was my first Friend at Hogwarts.

After talking to Cedric and the twins we got to the portkey, which as a disgusting old boot. Everyone grabbed onto the boot, we all started spinning into the air, I let go and fell on my back onto the hard ground. Cedric came to the ground effortlessly.

why is he always so perfect

stop it he's your best friend

but you want to be more

he doesn't like me like that

maybe he does

no he dosent.

I got up and started to push the grass off of myself. Cedric came up to me,
"Are you alright?" he asked, extending his hand for me.
"Yeah i'm okay" I said smiling back at him. Cedric pulled me into a hug and whispered,
"I missed you."
"I missed you too Cedric"

Harry fake gagged at Cedric and I .
"We're just hugging potter" Cedric said looking at Harry giving him a smile. Cedric turned to me and I looked away blushing, feeling embarrassed.

We made our way to our tents. I walked into the tent Remus, Sirius, James, Harry, and I would be sleeping in. It looked like a normal muggle tent on the outside but the inside was huge with 2 rooms for sleeping, a kitchen, a bathroom, and a spacious place for sitting.

"Amber and Harry, you two get the smaller room" James said walking towards the other room. Me and Harry went to our room and put our things in there. The match would be starting soon, so we met with the Weasley's and the Diggory's again.

We made our way up the stairs when we heard Lucius Malfoy say,
Well if it rains, you'll be the first to know" Draco was behind him when he bragged "Father and I are in the Ministers box, invited by Cornelius Fudge himself" Lucius had scolded Draco for bragging. he deserves it.

We finally got up to our seats. I was next to Cedric and George. I started to look down when Cedric nudged me and said
"That might not be the best idea, especially because you're afraid of heights"
"Yeah, you're right" I replied nervously.

i told him that ages ago

he rememberers small things

that dosent mean anything

it might



The match ended and we made our way back down the long flights of stairs. I stumbled on one of the steps, almost crashing into George's back. Cedric had grabbed ahold of my shoulders and laughed,
"I have never met anyone more clumsy than you"
"Thank you" I giggled and looked away smiling. Fred and George looked at me and winked, I shook my head wishing they didn't see what had just happened.

I could hear Harry snoring quietly while I was wide awake thinking about Cedric.

there's no way he could ever love you

i want him

he doesn't want you

get over him

i don't want to

you have to.

Authors note:

Hi, this is the first story i've ever written i hope you like it!



anything :)

if there are any spelling errors please let me know!

Yours- Cedric DiggoryWhere stories live. Discover now