The house

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Amber's POV:

Fred and George officially owned a shop in diagon alley. They had gathered money to open a joke shop they called Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. I would be their potions supplier.

Cedric was studying under a mediwitch at St.Mungos. He would work from 9:00- 4:00 every week day. Cedric and I had planned on getting a flat together, but as of now we were both with our families.

I had been helping Fred and George move all of their pranking supplies into their shop. There were many shelves around the walls, it was a really nice shop. There was a flat upstairs where they would live. It had the perfect amount of shelves and tables, scattered around the room.

The twins had planned on me making amortentia, and all of the potions you would need to reverse the pranks someone would ingest. Like the puking pastilles.

I would also be stocking the shop, making sure everything was in the correct spot. Fred and George would take turns being the cashier, while the other would make sure people could find everything.

We had finished moving boxes into the shop, and organizing where things would be set up. I apparated back to home, where everyone was asleep. I stepped into my room, being mindful of the people who were sleeping not to far from my room.

There was a letter on my desk, it was from Cedric.

hi darling,

     I found a house you would like. It's absolutely perfect. Come by my house tomorrow, i'll take you there. i love you.

forever yours- Ced

He's showing me a house. This man cannot get any more perfect. I wrote him back after I had found my parchment, ink, and quill.

hi love,

     i would love to go see that house with you. i could come by your house at around 2:00, if that works for you. i love you pretty boy.

forever yours- darling

I sent my owl off with the letter, after giving her some treats and water. I changed into Cedric's hoodie and my shorts. I climbed into my comfy bed, drifting off to sleep.

The next morning:

The sun was bright and shining on my face. I slowly crawled out of my bed, not having any motivation to do anything. I looked at my clock and it read, 10:38.

It made sense why I woke up so late, I had been exhausted from the day before. I walked down into the kitchen and made myself breakfast.

I showered and got dressed for the day. I still had a couple hours before I would go with Cedric to see the house. He had sent me a letter that morning saying that the time would work.

I read for a couple hours until I apparated to the Diggory's house. Cedric was standing outside, talking to his mother.

Once he had spotted me, he immediately ran up to me and engulfed me into a hug. He kissed me softly. I said hello to his mother before we left to go see the house.

Cedric apparated us to infront of the large house. It was a dark blue color on the outside, with wild flowers surrounding it. Cedric lead me up to the front door. I stepped inside, admiring how beautiful the house was.

The inside of the house was lit by large windows on each of the walls. The kitchen was absolutely beautiful. The same blue that was on the outside of the house was on the cabinets. The countertops a gorgeous dark grey.

Cedric walked with me up the staircase, leading to the bedrooms. I walked into the largest bedroom, "Wow, it's huge" I said, slightly amazed at how he found a house like this. "I thought you would like it" Cedric said, kissing my cheek. "I absolutely love it" I walked into the large bathroom. There was a deep bathtub, a walk in shower, and a large mirror.

I love this house. It was perfect. It would be perfect with him. "We could sign the papers right now, if you want" Cedric said pulling papers off of the counter. "I love it Ced, It's perfect, you make it perfect" I smiled. "It's perfect with you darling" Cedric whispered, before kissing me.

We both signed the papers. The house was officially ours. We had a house together. I still had to tell everyone. I knew I would miss them, but I want to be here, with Cedric. I would visit them every chance I got. I'm going to miss them.

authors note:

i'm just gonna make it a really long book, so if you just came here for their hogwarts love, we're moving on to their after hogwarts love!




Yours- Cedric DiggoryWhere stories live. Discover now