Keep reading*

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Warning: sexual content

Amber's POV

Cedric and I didn't sleep in the same bed for at least a few weeks. I couldn't do it. Once we started sleeping in the same bed I could barely cuddle him. I felt horrible about it. He didn't lie about Leah, I had no reason not to trust him.

One night I decided I would cuddle him when he was asleep. I missed his touch. His warm soft skin against mine. I had pretended to be asleep before Cedric fell asleep. I gently laid my head on his chest, hearing his comforting heartbeat. Cedric's arms wrapped around me, like it was an instinct.

His chest rose and fell with each breath he took. I felt his soft skin against me. i missed it. I fell asleep faster than I had in a while.

I woke up to Cedric softly playing with my hair. I looked up and him and smiled softly. We lied there, cuddling and smiling at each other.

"We're cuddling now?" Cedric asked, kissing my forehead.
"Yeah, I missed you." I whispered while drawing circles on his bare chest with my finger.
"I missed you too." He said, still running his fingers through my hair.

More weeks of just cuddling had passed. I was ready now. I was horny and ready for him. Cedric and I hadn't had sex in months. Both of us not ready and too shy to ask.

I had found the red lingerie that Cedric had picked out on our honeymoon. He was reading on the bed when I went into the closet and grabbed it. I caught him looking at it when I walked to the bathroom.

I put it on. It still fit, which was not surprising because it had only been about six months since then. I made sure I looked good before walking back into the bedroom.

I lied down next to Cedric on the bed, cuddling him.
"You look comfy" He said, looking me up and down.
"I am comfy" I said, slightly laughing.

"Can you read to me?" I asked, having an idea. "Yeah" He smiled. He continued to read out loud until I got to the waistband of is pajama pants. Once he stopped reading I moved my hand away.

Cedric looked at me with a pleading look in his eyes.
"Keep reading and i'll keep going" I told him, slightly kissing his chest. He looked back at the book and continued reading.

I moved my hand back down to his waistband, slowly moving it down into his pants. I palmed him through his boxers as he shakily read the book. He had taken a few deep breaths in between sentences.

I moved to the waistband of his boxers.
"Is this okay" I asked, he nodded frantically. He had stopped reading, waiting for me to slip my hand under his boxers.
"Keep reading." Cedric picked up the book and read.

I could tell he was having a hard time focusing on the book. I pumped his cock up and down, swiping my thumb over his tip that was covered in precum.

He moaned softly as I started to pump him faster. I stopped.
"Please, keep going please" He begged. I made a grown man beg for me. I smirked to myself, feeling quite proud of myself.

I continued the pace I had been going at before. His moans were growing louder. I stroked him faster. I felt him twitch in my hand.

Cedric's cum was all over my hand. I took one of my fingers and sucked the cum off while looking Cedric directly into his eyes.

I walked into the bathroom to wash my hand off. Cedric followed me. He just stood there, looking at me hungrily as I washed my hand off.

He came up behind me and kissed my neck. I tuned around to face him, his hands found my waist while mine found his hair.

We kissed each other softly. Cedric lifted me onto the counter, while still kissing me.
"I really love how you look in lingerie darling but I think you should take it off" Cedric said, gently tugging at the strap on my bra.  I laughed slightly at how nervous he seemed saying that.

I smiled at him as I reached behind my back and unhooked my bra. I slid it down my arms, revealing my chest. Cedric's hands were at his side. He wasn't making any move to touch me so I grabbed one of his hands and connected it with my breast.

Cedric was still starting at my chest.
"Are you just going to stare at me or are you going to kiss me" I asked. He was pulled out of his trance like stare after I said that.

He cupped my jaw with his large hand, kissing me like it was the last time. My arms wrapped around his neck, while he kissed down my chest.

His hand was playing with the waistband of my thong.  I gently raised my hips, signaling that he could take them off. He slid my underwear down my legs. His hand moved to in between my legs.

I spread my legs so he could stand in between them.
"I want you," I moaned.
"Are you sure?" He said pulling away from my neck and looking at me. I nodded.

He slowly pushed into me. It hurt sense we hadn't had sex in so long. Once I had gotten used to his size again, he started moving. It stared soft and slow but then turned into pounding into me in a few minutes.
"You're mine" Cedric grunted as he held me tightly.

Cedric hit all the right spots. I felt him twitch inside of me. The coil in my stomach was excruciatingly tight. I felt my orgasm roll through me. My legs shaking, I tightened around him. Cedric came a few seconds after me. We shared a long passionate kiss.

this is perfect.

Yours- Cedric DiggoryWhere stories live. Discover now