Winter break*

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Warning: sexual content

Amber's POV:

The Diggory's house was much like the burrow, warm and cozy. Cedric's parents greeted us with open arms and smiled spread across their faces. Afterwards, Cedric and I carried our bags up the stairs into his room.

Cedric's room smelled like him. There were moving photos of us hung on his wall. Cedric had come up behind me and wrapped his arms around me, and kissed my cheek.
"I'm glad you're here" He whispered softly. "I'm glad I'm here" I whispered back before kissing him softly.

We walked down the stairs to see his parents making dinner. Cedric lead me outside into the snow. He had picked up some snow and put it down my shirt.
"Cedric Diggory you did not just do that!" I squealed, feeling the cold snow slide down my stomach.

I grabbed a handful of snow and jumped on Cedric's back. I pushed the snow down his shirt and then kissed him on the cheek. We toppled over into a pile of snow.

Cedric and I were covered head to toe in snow. His grey eyes popped against his rosy cheeks. His lips were beautiful. He smiled at me when he caught me staring.

Cedric and I walked back into his house, being careful not to get snow everywhere. Cedric had grown a lot since last year. He was quite a bit taller than me, he always had been.

We ate the delicious food Cedric's parents had made. We walked up the stairs to his room quietly, being sure not to wake anyone up.

We walked into his room and started to change our clothes. I had just pulled out my shorts and Cedric's hoodie I was going to wear when Cedric said,
"We could just sleep naked" I looked over to him and laughed slightly.

I had just taken off my bra when I realized Cedric was staring at my chest.
"What" I said looking down.
"Huh?" Cedric asked blushing.
"Why are you looking at me" I giggled. "Because you're beautiful, and you're very very good at distracting me" Cedric said softly, while stepping closer to me.

I had completely forgot that I didn't have a shirt on. Cedric ran his fingers over my collar bones, down to in between my breasts. He grabbed my waist and pulled me close.

I grabbed my wand and set a muffulato spell around his room. Cedric kissed me softly, tracing my body with his hands. Standing in the middle of his room, both of us in our underwear, kissing. It couldn't get better than that.

Cedric picked me up, I wrapped my legs around his waist and my hands instantly ran through his hair. He had pushed my back against a wall, kissing me harder. I moved down to his neck and started kissing. I left love bites down to his collar bones.

Cedric moved his hand to the outside of my underwear. He looked at me, asking for permission. I nodded and kissed him again. He moved my lace panties to the side, slowly teasing me.

I had started getting impatient, so I slowly grinded on his hand.
"You want to be a little slut for me?" Cedric groaned.
"Yes" I said not realizing I said it out loud. Cedric walked over to his small bed and sat me on his thigh.

"Ride my thigh" Cedric said looking me in the eyes. I froze for a moment before I put my hands on his shoulders, slowly moving myself on him. He started to bounce his leg once I started to moan. Cedric guided my hips, moving me around on his thigh.

Once I had came, Cedric flipped us onto his bed. I was laying on my back while Cedric was hovering over me. I could see the tent in his boxers.

I moved my had down to his boner while we were kissing again.
"Is that okay" I asked,
"It's more than okay" Cedric groaned as I moved my hand on him slightly faster.

"I want you" I whispered.
"Finish your sentence darling" He whispered back.
"Fuck me." I said before kissing under his ear. Cedric quickly removed my underwear. I did the same to him.

I stroked him a few times before he positioned himself at my entrance.
"Are you sure?" He asked,
"Yes" I said running my hands through his hair again.

Cedric entered me slowly. We hadn't had sex in months. I wasn't used to his size anymore. Cedric groaned and said
"Love you're gonna- oh fuck, you feel so good." I tried not to tighten around him.

The pain turned into pleasure quickly. Cedric and I both breathing heavily. He was pounding into me. He could tell I was close, so he sped up. Cedric and I came at the same time.

The room was filled with moans and we were covered in sweat. Cedric used a cleaning charm for his bed and got me an old t-shirt to wipe my legs off with.

Cedric climbed on top of me, laying his head on my chest. I played with his hair, while he hugged my waist.
"I told you we would sleep naked" Cedric said sleepily. I laughed slightly and smiled.

Cedric and I fell asleep, holding each other.

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