The triwizard champions

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Amber's POV:

Today was the day the champions were going to be chosen for the triwizard tournament. I had a feeling that something unusual was going to happen, I tried to ignore it.

what if he gets picked

it's a very small chance he will

but it could happen

a lot of people entered

he could be chosen

In potions we were going to brew amortentia. When I entered professor Snape classroom Cedric was already there getting our things set up. "Hi Cedric"
"Hello darling" he smiled. Cedric and I worked perfectly together. We finished our potion first, Snape said it was nearly perfect. Cedric and I smiled to eachother proud of the work we had done.

"Now Mr.Diggory what do you smell?" asked Snape. Cedric looked hesitant to answer but after a couple second he said,
"lavender and mint" he said quietly.

holy shit. that's what i smell like.

Cedric's POV:

I smelled her. Obviously I would smell her. I was about to say something when professor Snape asked "And what do you smell Mrs.Lupin?"

Amber bent her head down and then said shyly "Vanilla and cedar wood" She said, looking down and playing with her rings. she does that when she's nervous.

she smelled me.

Amber's POV:

I felt Cedric looking at me as I told Snape what I had smelled. Cedric and I cleaned up and professor Snape let us leave class early.

I rushed to my dorm to send Lily a letter.

Dear Lily,

    We brewed amortentia in potions today and I smelled Cedric, obviously I smelled him. But the crazy thing is that he smelled me. I don't know what do to. Do I talk to him about it or do I ignore it? please help. I need advice.

Love, Amber

I did some homework before lunch, Leah had asked me to have a picnic with her today. She hasn't told me where yet, just that she will come to my dorm and then we will go. A surprise. I really hate surprises.

Leah came to my dorm with her basket and a blanket in her arms.
"Are you ready?" she asked, smiling sweetly. "Yeah" I replied smiling back at her. We walked down to the common room and I spotted Cedric standing with his friends laughing. He saw me and smirked at me which caused me to blush slightly.

Leah and I made our way to where she lead me. It was a spot by the black lake under a tree. We sat down and started eating our food.
"So I've been taking to Cedric more but I don't know what he thinks about me" Leah said looking disappointed.
"Oh, i'm sorry" I said trying to make her feel better,
"Could you ask him what he thinks about me?" she said suddenly very excited.
"Oh uh yea I guess I could"
"Thank you, thank you!" she said excitingly and hugging me.

Leah and I finished our picnic and headed back into the school. I headed to the griffindor common room with Fred and George, they said they had a new prank they wanted me to help them with. We were sat in a corner of the common room when Fred said,
"You're not helping us with a prank, we just want to know if you like Diggory"
"Fine. Yes I do." I admitted.

"I TOLD YOU FRED!" exclaimed George, "Yeah, yeah sod off pal" Fred replied sounding rather annoyed.
"Did you really bet on wether I like Cedric or not" I asked not suprised
"Yes, we did now Freddie here owed he 2 galleons" George said smiling, and wrapping his arm around Fred's shoulders.

Everyone was sat in the great hall while we were waiting for the champions to be chosen. Anxiety bubbled inside of me. Not knowing if Cedric would get picked or not was killing me. "The durmstrang champion is Viktor Krum!" exclaimed Dumbledore. "The beaxbatons champion is Fleur Delacour!" and finally "The hogwarts champion is Cedric diggory!"

no no please no

he got chosen

he could die

i don't want him to die

i need him.

I felt tears prickling my eyes. Cedric looked over at me, kissed my cheek and left to go with the other champions. he could die.

I went to Remus's office for tea that night.
"Are you okay sweetheart?" He asked while pouring us some tea.
"I don't want him to get hurt" I said quietly. Remus grabbed my hand and said,
"I cant promise he won't get hurt, you know that"
"I know" I replied trying harder and harder not to cry.
"Have some chocolate, it helps" Remus said giving be a chocolate bar,
"thank you" I said softly smiling. We talked for a little longer then I went quietly back to my common room.

It was late when I got to the common room. I saw Cedric sitting in front of the fireplace with his head in his hands.
"Ced..." I said softly while sitting down next to him.
"I'm scared Amber" Cedric said while staring into the fire.
"It's okay to be scared" I said trying to be helpful. I looked down and saw that his hand was close to mine. I took his hand in mine and held it.

"Do you want chocolate? Remus says it helps" I asked feeling silly.
"I'm sure it does darling" He said while laughing slightly. We shared the chocolate bar Remus had given me during tea. Still holding hands.
"What would I do without you?" Cedric said softly. I laughed slightly before saying,
"You'd be okay"
"No I wouldn't, you make me better" Cedric said, looking down at our hands.

Yours- Cedric DiggoryWhere stories live. Discover now