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Amber's POV:

I Woke up to the bright sun shining in my face. I slowly rose up from the floor and sat there. Hermionie was awake, reading a book.
"Morning, Mionie" I said groggily.
"Oh, good morning" She smiled.

I walked down the hall to the bathroom. I found a towel in the cabinet and set it on the counter. I enjoyed the feeling of the warm water on my skin. I finished my shower and got dressed.

I walked down the stairs to see Molly making breakfast.
"Morning Molly, do you need any help?" I asked.
"Oh thank you dear, but I'm almost done" she smiled. Molly set the plate of pancakes on the table with the other delicious smelling food she had made.

"Dear would you get Fred and George please?" Molly asked,
"Yeah, of course" I smiled. I walked up the stairs and knocked on their bedroom door. I didn't hear a reply so I opened the door slowly. Fred and George were sprawled out on each of their beds snoring slightly. I shook Fred slightly, "Breakfast is ready" I said walking over to George. I shook him slightly before Fred came up behind me and hit him in the face with a pillow.
"Fred! you bloody git!" George groaned. Fred had walked out of the room.

I walked back down the stairs into the kitchen. I sat down next to Harry and started to eat my food.
"We should go swimming today" Said Ginny before taking a bite of food.
"That would be fun" I said, Harry nodded.

I put my black bikini under my clothes and walked back into Ginny's room. I followed Ginny down the stairs and then out the door. Fred and George talking about the new pranks they wanted to try out. Harry, Ron, and Hermionie in their own conversation. Ginny and I were talking about boys, she would always talk to me about the people she liked.

We made it to the little pond by the burrow. There was a rope swing tied to a tree. Fred and George jumped in first splashing water on the rest of us.

I jumped into the cold water feeling it send a shiver up my spine. Harry and Ron jumped in after I had. Hermionie and Ginny were the last ones in.

"We should chicken fight!" George suggested. George and I were on a team with Fred and Ginny going against us.

Ginny was going all out. She had pushed me off of George at least 5 times.
"We aren't losing this time Amber" George said.
"Definetly not" I agreed.

I had finally pushed Ginny off of Fred. George and I agreed to go against Hermionie and Ron. Hermionie had pushed me off when I saw someone walking down the path that lead to the pond we were at.

It was Cedric, Leah, and Alex. Once I lifted my head up from under the water again Cedric had jumped in close to me. "Hello darling, didn't expect you to be here" He smiled.
"Hi, I missed you" I said hugging him tightly. Cedric broke from the hug and kissed me.
"I love you" he said quietly.
"I love you" I said kissing his cheek.

After another hour of swimming we decided to lay down in the sun. Harry was to my left sitting next to Ginny, while Cedric was on my right pulling me closer to him.
"You look absolutely breathtaking." He whispered.
"Thank you love" I said grabbing his hand and playing with his rings.

I still had his ring on. I rarely took it off. Cedric's hand on my thigh while the other was holding my waist tightly. It was time to go back to the burrow. I kissed Cedric and said goodbye to Leah and Alex.

We walked back to the house slowly, tired from spending the day swimming. Molly's food was delicious as always.Everyone climbed into their beds and fell asleep soundly.

authors note:

haha i know i said i probably wouldn't update but it snowed last night so i didn't go to school.

sorry it's kinda short i didn't know what else to put.




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