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Amber's POV:

I was rudely awaken on the morning of my 17th birthday by no other than Fred and George Weasley.
"Come on, get up we have places to be!" Exclaimed Fred and he pulled me out of bed and over his shoulder. "Fred put me down! I'm not even dressed yet!" I argued trying to get free of his grip.

Fred walked down into the common room and set me down on the couch. Fred and George sat on both sides of me and pulled out a small box each, both wrapped in parchment.
"You didn't have to get me anything" I said. "Just open them!" Fred and George said in unison.
"Okay, okay, calm down"

I opened the boxes and inside George's gift was a small picture frame with Fred, George, and I from our first time at kings cross on our first trip to hogwarts.
"Awe, thank you George, I love it" I said, examining the picture slightly.
"I'm glad you like it, now open Freddie's"

Fred handed me the other box, carefully unwrapping it. I opened the box and there was a small piece of parchment signed by Dumbledore, giving us permission to go to hogsmeade for the day. "You better go get ready cause we're leaving soon" Said Fred slightly pushing me to the way of my dorm.

I put on my outfit for the day and made my way back down the stairs. Fred and George basically dragged me into the great hall, and sat me at the hufflepuff table. Remus had came up behind me, kissed the top of my head and said, "Here's your present love, I hope you like it" I opened the box and saw my favorite chocolate, some fuzzy socks, and new earrings".
"I love it, thank you" I said hugging Remus tightly.

The mail had come early today. oh no. the howlers. James and Sirius would send me a howler every year on my birthday. I turned the envelope over and it opened itself and started speaking in James's voice "AMBER LILY LUPIN! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY DEAR! FINALLY 17! CONGRATULATIONS! I LOVE AND MISS YOU! HOPE YOU ARE WELL!"

My face already extremely hot and red, I decided I would open Sirius's howler in my dorm. I was about to put it in my pocket but Fred grabbed it and turned it over. The great hall went silent as Sirius's voice started singing... "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR AMBER, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!"

I felt like even more embarrassed I stood up from the table and started walking out while Fred and George were still clutching their stomachs laughing. I walked quietly into my dorm, going over to my bed and screaming into a pillow.

Harry had come into my room and gave me a present. I opened the box and it had some rings Hermionie and Ginny had helped him pick out. I thanked Harry and said I should probably go see where the twins were.

I saw the twins in the corridor most likely looking for me.
"Come on we're leaving now!" George said slightly dragging me towards one of the secret passageways.

We made our way through the honeydukes cellar, bought some sweets, and made our way to Madam Rosmerta's for butterbeer.

Fred, George, and I walked back into hogwarts before lunch. Leah had came up to me and said,
"Come on we're going on a picnic!"
"It's freezing outside!" I said,
"We're not going outside silly"

Leah pulled me towards the common room, and up to my dorm.
"We're having a picnic here" she said smiling. "You're too sweet to me, thank you" I said hugging her.

"So I think Alex is going to ask me out" Leah said slightly blushing,
"The boy from the party?" I asked excitedly. "Yeah, I really like him" She said blushing even more.
"I'm so happy for you" I said hugging her.

she doesn't like cedric anymore

just be happy for her

i am

you immediately thought about cedric.

Leah and I had finished our picnic, cleaned up, and went for a walk. We had seen Cedric in the courtyard while on our walk.
"Happy birthday darling" Cedric said while hugging me.
"Thank you Cedric." I said after kissing his cheek.

Cedric, Leah and I walked to dinner. I went to Remus's to have tea with him.
"Did you have a good day?" Remus asked,
"It was amazing" I said smiling.

Cedric's POV:

I wanted to do something special for Amber today do I asked Leah to help me pick out some things she would like so Amber and I could have a movie night.

"You like her don't you?" Leah asked softly, "Uh what- no, why do you think that." I said nervously.
"I've seen the way you too look at each other, it's sweet" she said picking up a sweatshirt, "You should give her this, spray your cologne on it before so it smells like you".

I went into Amber's dorm with the hoodie I had sprayed with my cologne. I set her presents on her bed, and set up the muggle movie player on her table. I had set up a white sheet on her wall so that the movie would project onto it. I set the snacks on her bed and went down to the great hall for dinner. 

Amber's POV:

Cedric sat down next to me and whispered "I have a surprise for you in your dorm".
"Cedric you didn't have to get me anything" I argued,
"Well I did, and i'm sure you're gonna like it" Cedric smiled back at me.

I walked into my dorm and saw the sweatshirt and snacks Cedric had gotten for me.
I love it Cedric, thank you" I said hugging him. "I'm glad you like it darling, Leah helped me pick everything out"

Cedric and I watched a muggle movies the whole night until we fell asleep. this is perfect.

Yours- Cedric DiggoryWhere stories live. Discover now