The party

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Tw: sexual assault

Cedric's POV:

"Come on Ced, open the bloody egg!" I heard continuously as I walked through the common room. I unscrewed the top of the egg and a ear splitting screech erupted from the egg. I quickly screwed the egg back on. how the hell am i going to figure this out? I looked back up from the egg and saw the whole common room starting at me.

I went up to my dorm and put the egg away. I came back down the stairs and saw everyone drinking. Once everyone saw me again they started shouting "Diggory! Diggory! Diggory!".

Amber's POV:

Leah convinced me to wear a dress that showed off all my curves. We went to get our drinks. I was just about to go find Ced when Adrian Pucey came up to me and said
"Hello love, would you like to come dance with me?" i don't like him calling me that.
"Oh uh hi, I was actually going to go find Cedric so yeah, i'm sorry" I said trying to let him down easy. Adrian scoffed a bit then walked away.

I found Leah standing by one of the tables that was set up talking to a boy I didn't recognize.

it looks like she's flirting

she's already started drinking

i may have a chance

you're delusional.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when Leah grabbed my arm and pulled me to where everyone was dancing. I hate dancing at parties. I always felt so awkward doing it. My drink had already gotten to be so I was slightly drunk. Stupid wizard alcohol is very strong.

TW: Sexual assault
I was dancing with Leah not having a care in the world. I felt someone behind me. I didn't think anything of it until the pushed themselves into my behind. I stepped  forward thinking it was an accident and they were just trying to get past me. But they did it again.

I felt their hands on my ribs moving forward. They were grabbing my breasts. i don't like this.
"stop" I said slurring my speech. I moved their hands off of me. Their hands were right back on me.
" I said stop" I said pushing their hands off again and turning around to face them. Adrian Pucey.

"Calm down love, I know you liked it." he said smirking down at me.
"If I liked it then I wouldn't have told you to stop." I said trying to walk away from him. He grabbed me.
"Come here bitch" Adrian said pressing his body against mine. He moved the hand that was on my lower back down to my ass.


he's going to hurt you

i cant breath

someone help me.

Adrian was pulled off of me. Cedric was now on top of Adrian punching him. I didn't know what to do. I froze. He was pulled off of Adrian by Draco and Blaise. Cedric turned to face me "Are you okay?". He asked once we had gotten away from everyone, he lead me up to his dorm.

I didn't realize I was crying until Cedric wiped a tear from my cheek, I flinched slightly when he touched my face but he reassured me by saying
"I promise I won't ever hurt you" I nodded slightly.

"How bad did you hurt your hand?" I asked still in shock.
"Don't worry about me, I'll be okay". Cedric gave a pair of his sweatpants and his hoodie to change into.

I walked out of the bathroom in his clothes. Cedric was on his bed trying to bandage his hand up.
"Do you need help?" I asked seeing how hard he was struggling.
"Uh yeah, please". I helped him clean and bandage up his hand.

"Do you want me to get Leah" Cedric asked.
"No I'm pretty sure I saw her dancing with a guy when the whole uh.. thing happened" I got quiet after I mentioned what Adrian did.

Cedric and I sat in silence before he spoke up and said
"Do you want to stay with me tonight, I just want to make sure that you're safe"
"Oh- really, are you sure?"
"Yes, darling I'm sure"
"Erm, sure" I said slightly smiling at him

"Okay, you can take my bed and i'll sleep on the floor" Cedric said standing to get more blankets out of his closet.
"No I can sleep on the floor, You sleep in your bed" I argued.
"No" Cedric said laughing slightly
"I'm not letting you sleep on the floor in your own room" I argued again.
"I will not let a lady sleep on the floor, my parents would be so disappointed" Cedric said while making a bed on the floor. I didn't have a good response for that one so I gave up.

his sheets smell like him

obviously, he sleeps on them

he smells so good


i don't want to

you need to.

Yours- Cedric DiggoryWhere stories live. Discover now