The hogwarts express

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Amber's POV:

I woke up to the sun shining through my curtains, onto my face. I slowly got out of bed and got ready for the day. I pulled on some jeans and then put on a T-shirt that had a muggle band logo on it. I walked down the stairs to the kitchen, I grabbed and apple and started cutting it.

Harry walked into the kitchen and grabbed one of the muffins we had made together.
"You never did answer my question last night." Harry said. I looked over to him, then looked back down.
"Yes." I answered.
"Yes, you like him, or yes, you didn't answer my question" Harry asked.
"You can figure it out Harry" I said quietly.

I grabbed my trunk and went down the stairs. Harry and Remus were already waiting, sitting on the couch. We would be leaving for hogwarts today. We apparated, as we usually did to get to kings cross.

I ran through the wall first, I opened my eyes and saw many families and hogwarts students on the platform. Harry showed up next to me followed by James, Lily, and Sirius, we hugged and said goodbye. After our goodbyes we walked over to where we were supposed to put our trunks.

We saw the Weasley's and walked over to them, I hugged Fred and George, and got onto the train. We found an empty compartment and sat down. Fred and George looked at me very suspiciously and said
"You like Diggory."
"Shut up" I said quietly.

I was looking out the window when the door to our compartment opened. I looked over and saw Cedric smiling at me. He sat down next to me, draping his arm over my shoulders.

i love the way he smells


i don't want to

he's your best friend

we can be more

but what if-

it's not going to happen.

I sat looking out the window not paying attention to what the twins and Cedric were talking about.
"Amber, what do you think?" Asked Fred. I looked over to him and said
"About what?", Fred looked over to George and they just started laughing. I looked over to Cedric and he looked just as confused as I was.

The twins stopped laughing and looked at me and Cedric and gave each other a look that I didn't understand. After a couple more hours on the train I fell asleep, leaning against the wall.

Cedric's POV:

Amber had fallen asleep on my shoulder. Her soft snores filling the compartment, apart from Fred and George talking quietly. I could watch her for a lifetime.

Amber's POV:

I woke up with my head on Cedric's shoulder. I felt his hand slightly shaking me on my shoulder. I looked up at him and asked
"Are we almost there?"
"Yeah, we need to change" Cedric said quietly, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

i love it when he does that

he doesn't mean it like that

he just wants to be friends.

I got up, grabbed my robes and headed to the bathrooms. I stepped out and accidentally ran into someone.
"I'm so sorry!" I immediately said.
"Out of my way you filthy half-blood" It was Malfoy.  I rolled my eyes at him, not in the mood for his unnecessary attitude.

I always said I was a half-blood when people asked because i knew my mother was a half-blood and I don't know what my father was. Remus had told me he never knew who my father was, I didn't want to know. It never had even occurred to me why your blood status would matter, It didn't make you any different from any other witch or wizard.

I got back to our compartment and saw Cedric standing there shirtless. I immediately covered my eyes and frantically said
"I-I'm sorry I should've knocked"
"Amber, stop it's okay" Cedric said calmly.
"I-I'm just going to go wait in the hallway" I said stumbling over my words.
"No, It's fine I'm not half naked now" Cedric laughed.

We sat down again and Fred and George knocked on the door. Fred came in saying
"Just making sure you two weren't snogging or anything" I felt my face get hot while Cedric and George were laughing.

The train had finally stopped signaling that we had arrived at hogsmeade station. Cedric, the twins, and I walked out of your compartment. We saw Hagrid and waved to him while we were on our way to the carriages to take us to hogwarts.

Cedric and I split with the twins as we walked over to the hufflepuff table. I looked over and saw one of my old dorm mates Leah. She saw me and ran over and gave me the biggest hug. "I missed you so much" I said to her,
"I missed you too" she said while still hugging me tightly.

After the sorting ceremony, Dumbledore came up and told us that the Triwizard tournament would take place at hogwarts this year, and that Durmstrang, and Beaxbatons would be joining us. When Barty Crouch announced that no wizard under 17 could enter into the goblet of fire the great hall erupted in groans and complaints, I heard Fred and George yell "That's rubbish!"

Cedric and I walked to the hufflepuff common room and stayed there for a while infront of the fire. Once we realized how late it was we decided to go to bed, we walked to our dorm rooms, the Prefect dorms were next to eachother, "Goodnight darling" Cedric said smiling at me. "Goodnight Ced" I said smiling back at him.

Yours- Cedric DiggoryWhere stories live. Discover now