Hospital wing

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Cedric's POV

Amber was falling. she was hit with a bludger right after Harry caught the snitch. I'm going to kill the hufflepuff beater. I had saw them hit the bludger towards the goal posts, it hit her in the chest.

I started shoving my way through the crowds of people who were in the stands. I looked back over at Amber. Ron caught her. thank merlin.

I ran over to where Ron had set her down. Every one was standing over Amber, trying to see what happened. Professor Lupin had run up and carried her in his arms.

A crowd of people followed along to the hospital wing. Lupin had set her on the bed. I could see tears forming in his eyes. I only noticed I was crying when Harry came up and asked, "Are you alright?"
"Im fine" I replied, staring at the girl I love, unconscious, in the hospital wing.

Lupin, Harry, Fred, George, and I were all sitting on the bed next to Amber. The bludger had shattered her sternum. She had to regrow her bones. There was a dark purple bruise that covered most of her chest.

Madam Pomfrey said she would probably wake up in the next few hours. I stayed with her all night, along with Professor Lupin. Amber had stirred in her sleep throughout the night.

She looked like she was in pain. I couldn't imagine how bad she was hurting right now. Even asleep it would still hurt. I held her hand the whole night, not leaving.

I had fallen asleep, resting my head on the side of Amber's bed. I woke up with a blanket around me and someone playing with my hair.

I slowly looked up and saw Amber smiling at me.
"A-are you okay? How's your chest?" I asked frantically, hoping she didn't hurt too bad.
"I'm okay, just a really nasty bruise" She said softly. I missed her voice.

I kissed her head and stroked her hair.
"I really love you" She whispered, grabbing my hand.
"You're the love of my life darling" I whispered, kissing the back of her hand.

I want to marry her.

Amber's POV:

I woke up in the night, Remus was holding one of my hands. I looked over and saw Cedric, leaning his head on the side of my bed, holding my hand tightly.

Madam Pomfrey had come over and given me a potion for the pain. I looked under my shirt and saw a giant bruise. I don't remember anything except feeling the breath knocked out of my lungs.

Remus informed be that a bludger had shattered my sternum. The hufflepuff beater must have gotten pissed off that we lost, and hit a bludger.

The sun had risen. Remus had to pack us his classroom and his office. He kissed my forehead before walking out of the hospital wing.

I turned my attention to the sleeping boy beside me. The sun shining on his hair. It looked golden in the sun. I could see every red, brown, and gold hue in his hair.

I ran my fingers through his soft hair, loving the way if felt. I had been playing with his hair for about fifteen minutes before he slowly woke up.

He opened his eyes, his perfect bright blue eyes. I smiled at him, adoring his he looked in the morning.
"A-are you okay? How's your chest?" He asked, immediately making sure I wasn't in too much pain.
"I'm okay, just a really nasty bruise" I said, still admiring him.

Cedric kissed my head.
"I really love you" I whispered.
"You're the love of my life darling" He whispered before kissing the back of my hand.

Madam Pomfrey let me go with some pain relief potion. Cedric and I walked to my dorm. He said he would help me pack my trunk.

authors note:

hiii, i still don't know if i should continue this or make a second book. also let's all give a round of applause for Ron because he caught amber :))




Yours- Cedric DiggoryWhere stories live. Discover now