The prefects bathroom*

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Warning: sexual content

Amber's POV:

After a few months Cedric and I went on many more dates and spent a lot of our time together. Whether it was just sitting with each other in the common room or snogging in our dorms, we were usually together.

I wanted more from Cedric than just snogging, but I was too scared to tell him. am i moving too fast? Cedric and I had spent the nights in each others dorm rooms cuddling but I wanted to be as close to him as possible. I just didn't know if he wanted to.

"You know the prefects bathroom on the 5th floor?" Cedric whispered to me, "Yeah, that's where you figured out your egg thingy" I said finding it hard to focus with his hand slowly moving up and down my thigh.
"It's not a bad place for a bath" He said slightly smirking at me.

"Cedric Diggory are you asking me to take a bath with you" I teased,
"Maybe" He said slightly laughing. I could listen to his laugh for hours. His laugh was beautiful. Everything about him is beautiful.

We were walking down the corridor on the 5th floor. I was feeling excited and nervous at the same time. Cedric opened the door for me and walked in after I had.

"Ready for our bath darling?" Cedric said kissing my neck slightly.
"Y-Yeah" I said feeling extremely distracted from him kissing and sucking on my neck.

Cedric walked over to the water faucet and turned on the bubbles and the water. He has started unbuttoning his shirt.

he has such a nice body.

"Enjoying the view I suppose?" Cedric teased as he caught me staring at him. "What- no, wait yes, I don't know" I said feeling very embarrassed.
"Are you going to take your clothes off or do you need me to?" He said laughing at me.
"I can do it just fine Ced" I laughed.

he hasn't seen me naked yet

what if he thinks i'm ugly

he won't think you're ugly

he might.

I unbuttoned my shirt, revealing my white lacey bra. Cedric was starting at me,
"Now look who has a staring problem" I teased.
"I can't help it, you're beautiful" he smiled. I took my shoes and socks off. I lowered my skirt off my legs and folded it. I unhooked my bra and peeled it off of my shoulders. I slipped my underwear off of my legs.

it's okay

you're gonna be fine.

Cedric was already in the bath. I sat down next to him and clipped my hair up so it wouldn't get wet.
"You're so beautiful" Cedric whispered as he traced my jawline with his fingers. "You're beautiful too Ced" I whispered back.

He started kissing me. Soft and slow turned into hard and sloppy within minutes. He pulled me into his lap so I was straddling him. Our naked bodies pressed so close together. He was roughly kissing my neck. Leaving dark love bites down my neck and chest.

One hand on my breast while the other was pulling me as close as possible. Running my fingers through his hair. This is perfect. Him licking and sucking all over my skin. I tried to contain my moans but I let a few slip.

"Cedric, I want you" I panted feeling like I was on fire. Everywhere he touched lit my skin up.
"You want me to what? Finish your sentence darling" He said, I could just imagine the smirk on his face.
"To fuck me, I want you to fuck me" I said feeling utterly embarrassed I had just admitted that.
"Is it your first time?" He asked in a soft tone,
"Yes" I admitted.

I had never seen the point in having sex with someone I wasn't interested in. I wanted to with Cedric. He is what I want.

"Okay, I'll be gentle then." He reassured me,
"If you want to stop at any time, just say the words and I will." He said looking me in my eyes.
"Okay" I replied softly.

Cedric's hand had moved to my heat. Rubbing up and down my sensitive clit, making me want to moan even more. He moved painfully slow. I started grinding myself against his hand to release some of the tension I was feeling.
"Don't move" Cedric's voice sounded dark and husky. It turned me on even more.

Cedric's fingers slipped into me, thrusting in and out slowly. He's teasing me. "Faster.. please" I said squirming around on top of him.
"Beg." he whispered in my ear.
"Please Ced, go faster please." I couldn't take his agonizingly slow pace.
"There we go, good job being a little slut for me." He said moving his pace faster inside of me. I liked it when he called me a slut.

I was close. I could feel the knot forming in my lower stomach. He could tell. He moved faster and faster until it happened. It felt magical. A warm ness spread over my entire body. My legs shaking slightly. Moaning loudly. Dropping my head onto his shoulder after that magical experience.

Cedric flipped me over so my back was pressing against the tile of the bath. He was rock hard underneath me. I could feel it. He was big. It only made sense for him to be big. He was tall and muscly and perfect in every single way.

He moved me closer to him and kissed me hard.
"Are you sure you want to do this? We can stop if you want to." He said looking down at me.
"No! don't stop" I now realized how desperate I sounded.
"Don't forget to breath" He reminded. I nodded.

He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He entered me slowly. It hurt at first but the pain was taken over by pleasure in a matter of minutes. "Fuck, you feel so good" He groaned.
"You can move now" I panted. He moved all the way into me and out again slowly. He filled me up.

He started moving faster. I couldn't control the moans coming from my mouth anymore. Cedric hitting spots of me I never could've imagined. My heart pounding. His hands on me. I never thought this would be happening.

I was close,
"Ced, I-I'm gonna cum" I whimpered. "Not yet darling, just wait a minute.". The knot in my stomach getting tighter and tighter.
"Now" Cedric said as he groaned. I could feel him shoot his liquid inside of me. My body filling with the same warm ness, as my orgasm had blossomed through me.

Our wet, sticky bodies intertwined. Hand prints on my skin. Love bites everywhere. Our hair wet from how hot it had gotten in the bathroom. And us. Panting, coming down from our orgasms.

"I love you darling"

"I love you Ced"

Yours- Cedric DiggoryWhere stories live. Discover now