The lie

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Amber's POV:
(Amber is 12 years old)

"Moony what happened to my dad" I asked feeling nervous.
"He left your mother when she told him she was pregnant with you." Remus said quietly. "Do you know who he his?" I said getting quiet.
"I'm sorry love, but your mother never told me"
"It's not your fault" I whispered.

My mother had died when she gave birth to me. She was Remus Lupins sister, Her name was Aurora Lupin. I wish she was still alive. I always have. I have been lucky enough to have Remus as my uncle, and even luckier to have James, Sirius, and Lily in my life too. Even Harry, even though we were annoying each other most of the time he's my family, I love him like a brother.

End of flashback

After the painfully long train ride we were finally at home. I had missed James, Sirius, and Lily so dearly. Most of the break was spent baking with Harry, gossiping about Cedric to Lily, and James and Sirius messing with me every chance they got.

"Love can you come downstairs, I have some I want you to meet" Remus said looking anxious.

did he get a girlfriend?

or boyfriend

i always thought him and Sirius were a thing

i hope him and Sirius are dating.

I followed Remus down the stairs into the family room. Professor Snape was sitting in one of the chairs near James, Sirius, and Lily. "Sit down love" Remus smiled at me sweetly.

"I know this is going to be confusing but I need you to listen" Remus said, his voice shaking slightly.
"W-what are you talking about?" I asked getting anxious.
"Why is professor Snape here?" I asked feeling more panicked.

"Your mother and Severus were in a relationship before you were born." Remus paused slightly before he said, "Severus is your father." I was silent.

this can't be happening

how is this possible

none of this makes sense


"Please say something." Remus pleaded.
"How long have you known?" I said blankly. "Since your mother told me she was pregnant." Remus said sending an apologetic look at me. "You lied to me." I said blankly.
"When I asked you if you knew who my dad was, you said no, and you lied to me". Remus was silent.

"Did all of you know?" I looked over to everyone else. Sirius spoke up and said
"Yes, we knew". I felt tears form in my eyes. "You knew too, I'm guessing?" I looked over at Snape, he nodded slightly.

I felt tears form in my eyes.
"I- I can't do this" I said standing up, starting to leave.
"Please stay, I need to explain" Remus said also standing.
"I'm really sorry but I- I just can't right now." I left the room.

i can't breath

this isn't happening

please tell me this is a dream

i cant do this.

I paced around my room trying to figure out why this happened.

he's not that bad of a person

he hits kids over the head with books

i'm not like that

you might be

no i'm not.

I heard a knock at my door.
"I don't want to talk right now" My voice shaking while I spoke. Harry came in anyways. "Stop freaking out!" Harry said while grabbing my shoulders to stop me from pacing.
"No! You don't get to tell me what to do right now! And I really don't think I can stop freaking out!" I said raising my voice.
"I'm sorry Harry, I shouldn't have yelled at you". I felt tears roll down my cheeks.

I sat down on the edge of my bed, trying to stop crying.
"I can't do this" I whispered to myself. I went to bed that night still crying.

Yours- Cedric DiggoryWhere stories live. Discover now