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Amber's POV:

Harry and I were thrown into the living room of our home, after not being here for two weeks. We got up, wiped the ash that had gotten on our clothes off. James and Sirius were at work. Lily was in the garden planting. Remus was having tea with Snape.

I didn't expect Snape to be here but I didn't want to be rude so I smiled politely at him. Remus had said he would be visiting more often but I never knew when that would be. I carried my bag into my room and left it there to unpack later.

There was a letter sitting on my bedside table. It was from Cedric. He had written me to say that he agreed with Remus that we would be coming and staying with us for two weeks. He included in the letter that he would be coming at 3:30. I looked over at my clock and it read 2:30.

I had an hour to get ready. I took a shower. Unpacked my bag. and made sure my room was clean. I still had a little time before Cedric would be here. I walked down the stairs and saw James and Sirius talking with Remus and Snape. Harry was sitting outside with Lily.

Sirius pulled me into a hug first.
"Your boyfriends coming today" James teased.
"I know" I laughed slightly. James had hugged me too.

There was a knock at the door. My heart pounded. why am i so nervous. I opened to door to see the tall, smiling, perfect boy I loved so dearly. He pulled me into a hug, kissing my forehead.

Cedric greeted everyone.
"You two will be sharing a room, I hope that's alright" Remus said motioning towards the stairs,
"That's alright" Cedric smiled.

I lead Cedric up the stairs to my room. He walked in and started to look around. He set his bag down by my bed.
"I like your ivy." Cedric said slightly touching the ivy I had hung on my ceiling. "Lily helped me put them up" I said quietly.

"I missed you." Cedric said before kissing me softly.
"I missed you too Ced." I said before kissing him again. Cedric had put his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him.
"We can't right now" I laughed slightly.
"Right sorry, I just get so distracted by you" He said laughing too.

Cedric and I walked downstairs and we saw everyone outside sitting and talking. Snape had left. We went over to sit with everyone. It seems they were engaged in a very serious discussion about quidditch again. No matter how many times they talked about quidditch they would no doubt do it again.

Cedric had joined the conversation. I'm glad he's here. I missed him.

I walked inside to help James make dinner.
"I like him" James teased, nudging my arm slightly.
"Good, I like him too" I laughed. James and I made more jokes while we made dinner.

Everyone came back inside to get their food. We all sat down at the table and began to eat.

After we cleaned up we all went back outside. Remus was teaching Harry and I how to play a muggle game called football, or soccer as the americans call it. I really sucked at this game. Harry had laughed at me when I couldn't kick the ball in the right direction.

After playing a horrible game of football, we sat around a fire, while James, Sirius, and Lily told stories about their years at hogwarts.

I lied down on my back, looking up at the sky with scattered starts. Cedric had lied down next to me. I realized he were the only ones outside now. I looked over at Cedric and he was already looking at me.

"Stars are beautiful" I said whispering. "Not as beautiful as you" Cedric whispered. I looked over to him again.
"A sky full of stars and you're looking at me?"I asked.
"A sky full of stars and I only want to look at you." He whispered.

"Will you dance with me?" Cedric asked as I sat up.
"There's no music." I said standing up now.
"We can dance anyway.He said. I shrugged and grabbed his hand.

Cedric grabbed my waist and pulled me close. I placed my hand on his shoulder, leaning my head against his chest. I could hear his heartbeat. Cedric hummed a song I didn't recognize and swayed us around.

"Are you tired?" Cedric asked, I nodded slightly. We walked into the house, hand in hand, We walked up to my room.

I put one of my t-shirts on with shorts. Cedric wore grey sweatpants and no shirt. We climbed into bed and drifted off to sleep, holding each other.

Yours- Cedric DiggoryWhere stories live. Discover now