The second task

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Amber's POV:

I was in defense against the dark arts when professor Mcgonnogall had come in and said she needed to see me in her office. We stopped along the way and Mcgonnogall pulled Hermionie out of class too, Fleur's little sister had come with us as well.

We all sat down and Mcgonnogall explained why we were there with a grim look upon her face.
"You three are the treasures that will be hidden at the bottom of the black lake." She said looking at all three of us.

it's going to be okay

cedric will save you

he can do it

he's going to be okay

you're going to be okay.

Cedric's POV:

It was the day of the second task. I couldn't find her anywhere. I need her right now. I know the plan. Bubble head charm. Amber and I had been practicing for weeks trying to get it perfect.

I made my way down to the boats that would lead to the platforms on the black lake. I was freezing honestly. It was windy and cold. why do i have to be in a freezing lake in february.

I stood at the front of the platform next to Fleur and Viktor. Bubble head charm. That's all I needed to do, and rescue a treasure from the bottom of a black lake.

The cannon had went off. I performed the charm and jumped into the ice cold water. one hour. i only have one hour to save my treasure. It was dark.

I got past the forest of seaweed, and past the grindylow. I heard things hissing. 15 more minutes. I saw the merpeople. Please tell me I'm close.

I saw her. she's my treasure. Of course she is. Fleur's little sister and Hermionie Granger were still there. Amber. She looked lifeless.

I swam over and untied her from the cloth keeping her tied to the lake. I started to swim up faster than before. I need to save her. I saw Viktor grab Hermionie, and Fleur grab her sister.

I made it to the top. Amber had started coughing and gripping my shirt. I swam over to the platform helping her up the latter that connected to the platform.

Towels were wrapped around both of us. I went over to Amber, seeing how much she was shivering I wrapped my arms around her, hugging her tightly.
"Go on a date with me, please" I asked, hoping she would say yes. She kissed me.

Amber's POV:

My throat burned. I started coughing uncontrollably, grabbing onto the first thing I could. I felt water around me. Cheering all around me. he did it. I opened my eyes and saw Cedric helping me onto a platform on the lake.

Towels wrapped around me and Cedric. I was still shivering. why would they make people go into the freezing lake in february. Cedric came over to me and hugged me tightly. "Go on a date with me, please" Cedric was starting down at me. I leaned up. i kissed him.

Author's note:

ahhh it happened! they finally kissed! i was so excited to write this chapter! anyways i hoped you liked it :)

Yours- Cedric DiggoryWhere stories live. Discover now