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Amber's POV:

Living with Cedric was amazing. Waking up to him next to me was the best feeling in the world. We would make breakfast together every morning (when we didn't get distracted by eachother). We would come home to each other and fall asleep in each other's arms every night.

The shop with the twins was almost ready to open we just had a few more boxes to sort. I could tell Fred and George were stressed about it. They were always making sure they had enough of everything, and asking everyone if the displays looked appealing. Fred and George were usually buried in paperwork.

Cedric was still continuing studying under a mediwitch during the week. Cedric had been looking nervous all week. He wouldn't tell me what was wrong, but he said I would find out soon enough. He knew I hated surprises but he still wouldn't tell me.

I spent my days stocking the shelves and making potions for the shop. I had come home very tired almost everyday. Cedric would make it better, he would hold me every night. We would talk about how are days were until we fell asleep.

Cedric and I planned to go have a picnic in the meadow by our house. I had been looking forward to it all week. We hadn't been on a date in a while, and it would be nice to finally see all of the meadow.

"Hello darling." Cedric greeted, twirling me around and kissing me.
"Hello love." I replied before kissing him again. "Are you ready to go?" Cedric asked, grabbing my hand.
"Yeah." I smiled.

I grabbed the blanket while Cedric grabbed the basket with the food in it. We walked into the meadow, pointing out all of the flowers that were there. He had picked one of the flowers from the ground and put it in my hair. I grabbed some lavender and put it in his hair. We both smiled at each other, with flowers in our hair.

We reached a good spot in the middle of the field. I spread out the blanket and Cedric put the basket on. We both sat down, pointing out some of the flowers that looked pretty.

"Can I braid your hair?" Cedric asked while looking at some flowers.
"Oh, yeah." I said, slightly laughing. Cedric moved behind me, gently grabbing some of my hair.
"I have no idea what i'm doing." Cedric laughed. I laughed with him before I turned around and showed him how to braid. I turned back around while he tried to braid my hair again.

Cedric had finished doing my hair, it wasn't bad. We had started eating what we had brought. Cedric would have me try and throw blueberries at him so he could catch them in his mouth. There were a lot of blueberries caught, while others fell onto the ground.

We stayed there until the sun had started to set. We were packing up our things. My back was facing toward Cedric, packing up the food we brought.
"Turn around darling." Cedric said, sounding slightly nervous. I turned around and saw Cedric down on one knee.

"I love you more than I have ever loved anyone, a-and I want to stay with you forever. I know we're young but I want to marry you. So, marry me. Please?" He was holding a gorgeous ring. I smiled at him and nodded, I immediately held him tightly. We were both crying by now, wiping tears from each other's cheeks.

"I love you." I said before kissing him passionately.
"I love you darling." Cedric smiled.

We walked back to the house, with wide smiled on our faces.
"How does it feel Mrs. Soon-to-be-Diggory?" Cedric laughed, while leading me up the stairs. "It feels amazing Mr.Diggory." I smiled.

he asked me to marry him.

we're going to get married.

we're engaged.

authors note:

i love this chapter so much omg. anyways i made a tiktok it's the same account name as this one so follow it if you want lmao (i'm so awkward i'm sorry)




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