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TW: Vomit (I will highlight the part)

Cedric's POV:

I truly had no idea what had happened. All I remembered was kissing Leah when I didn't want to. After that I had completely blacked out.

I looked behind me after Amber left.
"You did something! You're a crazy bitch, you know that. I don't want you!" I yelled. Leah was sitting on the floor still with a deadly smile plastered on her face.

"She won't believe you, you know, I know her. she's not going to forgive you." She said in a hard tone.
"Why! I don't want you! you're not going to get me! so why the fuck did you do this!" I asked, fury raging through my body.
"If I can't have the one person I want then she can't either, it just happens to be the same person" She smirked.

"What was it, huh. Lust potion? Confundus charm?" I said laughing at her.
"A mix of both actually, Confundus charm for you to let me in, and the noise in the back of the house, and a lust potion slipped into your tea" She smirked.

"I hate you! You're a crazy selfish whore!" I yelled, kicking the table leg. It broke. The table came crashing down on one side.
"Get out!" I screamed at Leah. I picked her up by the arm and basically had to push her out of the house.

I slammed the door shut. I ruined everything. I shouldn't have let her in. I sat down on the couch and started to cry. I only want her and she just screamed in my face.

I wiped my tears and went to the one place I knew she would go first. Her childhood house. I went upstairs and put a shirt on. I apparated to her parents house. All the lights were off. I rang the doorbell.

Sirius opened the door with a deadly look on his face.
"Go, now, before I decide to kill you" He said, his eyes filled with nothing but pure anger.
"I need to tell her what happened" I pleaded. "No, not right now, you've done enough for a lifetime" He said before slamming the door in my face.

I went back home, shuddering at what had happened only hours earlier. I sat on the couch. I felt nothing except anger towards myself.

i can't live without her.

i need her.

Amber's POV:

I went down stairs early that morning, just after the sun had risen. I sat on the couch where I had last night. Memories of Cedric and I replaying in my head. Every time I would remember something good. Him pressed against Leah would pop into my head.

My face felt heavy and puffy from crying and not being able to sleep. Lily had come downstairs first. She sat down next to me and took my hand in hers.

"I miss him" I whispered,
"It's okay to miss him for now" She squeezed my hand. James and Sirius had come downstairs shortly after Lily.

We made breakfast together. A variety of different flavored juices with different foods. The doorbell rang. Lily walked over to the door and opened it. Cedric.

His eyes moved from Lily to me. I calmly walked over to the door while I was internally panicking.
"Are you sure?" Lily whispered before I stepped outside to talk to him. I nodded softly before taking a deep breath and closing the door.

He looked horrible. His eyes red and puffy, his hair poking in all directions. We both examined eachother before saying anything.

"We need to talk, please, I owe you an explanation" Cedric said with a shaky voice. "Okay, when" I said quietly.
"Tomorrow? do you want to go get coffee maybe?" He asked while his face got red. not a good idea to say.
"I don't like coffee" I pointed out.
"Right, i'm nervous, i'm sorry, tea, go for a walk maybe?" He said sounding desperate.
"Okay we'll go on a walk" I only decided on that because I wouldn't be able to keep anything down if we had tea.

We said goodbye, I walked into the house feeling like I was going to vomit.
"How'd it go?" Lily asked frantically. I completely ignored her and walked straight for the bathroom.

TW: Vomit
I felt the vomit rise up in my throat. I quickly tied by hair back, keeping it away from my face. The vomit crept up my throat until I puked.

I flushed the toilet, the disgusting taste still in my mouth. As soon as I stood up I felt dizzy. Most likely from my lack of food. I accio'd a toothbrush and immediately brushed my teeth.

I spent the rest of the day anxiously waiting until tomorrow, when I would see Cedric again.

Yours- Cedric DiggoryWhere stories live. Discover now