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Amber's POV:

Sadly, Cedric and I had to go home today. No more snowball fights (until it snowed again). It was early December now. Our honeymoon was over. Cedric would be going back to studying under a mediwitch. I would go back to work with Fred and George.

The twins shop had grown extremely fast. While I was gone they had to hire a potion maker because they ran out. Harry would be visiting us with Remus, Sirius, James, and Lily for Christmas. Cedric's parents would visit us during Christmas and new years.

I walked into Weasleys Wizard Wheezes hit with the smell of peppermint. Fred and George had created a new sweet that turned you striped like a peppermint. George was doing paperwork while Fred was stocking the new sweet.

"We missed you"
"Here have a sweet" George had hugged me, while Fred tried to get me to try a sweet.
"I missed you too, and I learned a long time ago not to eat or drink anything you give me." I laughed. I headed to the back room where potions were being made.

There was about 20 vials of amortentia, and 15 antidotes for the pranks that did something to change you. The temporary potion maker had started most of them. I would have to pour each of them into the vials, and make sure that they worked.

The shop wouldn't be open today, because Fred and George had to tell me about everything, and we had to test the antidotes.

We all tried different sweets. My skink turned purple, George looked like a peppermint, and Fred shrunk to the size of a toddler. We each grabbed the antidotes to what happened to us. Mine tasted like grapes. I watched as my skin turned from purple to its normal tone.

George had returned to his normal skin tone too, while Fred shot up surprisingly fast. We continued the antidote testing for a while until they were all good.

I helped stock the shelves, making sure everything looked perfect. I had potions brewing in the back, I periodically checked on them, making sure nothing went wrong.

Our day ended once the sun had set. I had been helping with the paperwork before Fred and George insisted that I go home and they would finish it.

I apparated home, seeing Cedric in the kitchen making dinner. I smiled to myself, he looked so concentrated.

I walked in the front door, closing it softly. I removed my jacket and shoes and made my way to the kitchen.
"Hi love" I said kissing his cheek. He blushed slightly before saying,
"Hello darling" i could still make him blush.

I smiled to myself and started to help him. We made our dinner listening to the radio. Cedric pulled me in to dance when a song called "It's U" by cavetown.

We slowly danced around the kitchen, staring into each others eyes. I leaned my head onto his chest. He softly sang the lyrics to me.

it's u, it's u,
oh god it's you,
it's u.

if you're awake than I am too
if you're lost than i'll find you
if you're hurt than i'll fix you
if you go blind i'll describe the view
if you can't feel than i'll hold you
if you fall know i've got you

He swayed us around the kitchen, holding me tightly. His right hand snaked around my waist, his left holding mine. I listened to his heartbeat, feeling the comfort I had always felt with him.

We danced until the song ended. He kissed he softly while rubbing his thumb on my cheek. We ate our dinner while discussing what happened during our days. Cedric laughed when I told him that my skin had turned purple because we had to test the antidotes.

Cedric and I lied in bed, surrounded by blankets. I softly traced his muscles with my finger. He was running his hands up and down my side.

"I love you" I whispered before softly falling asleep.
"I love you darling" He said softly kissing the top of my head.

authors note:
this is just a filler chapter kinda. There's a lot of spice lately, if you want something new with their sex message me and i'll try to do it as best i can!

and thank you all for 500 reads! i never thought i would get that many thank you all for reading <3




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