The yule ball

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Amber's POV:

"The yule ball has been a tradition of the triwizard tournament for centuries, schools uniting to make friends and cherish memories. Mr.Diggory, will you be willing to help me demonstrate, please" professor sprout said in her sweet voice. Cedric stood up and said
"Of course professor"

Professor sprout and Cedric had finished demonstrating how the dance would work. "Would you like to be my dance partner?" Cedric said as he bowed down and extended his hand toward me. "Of course" I said slightly giggling

"Look at me, looking at your feet won't help" Cedric said lifting my chin up with his finger. I wasn't the worst dancer in the world but I also wasn't the best. Cedric on the other hand was flawless at dancing.

i could get lost in his eyes

his nose is perfect

his jaw is perfect

his hair is perfect

he looks perfect

he is perfect.

The dance lesson had ended. Cedric and I walked into the great hall for dinner.
"Amber, darling would you like to go to the ball with me, you know as friends?" Cedric asked seeming a little nervous.
"I would love to go to the ball with you Ced" I said smiling. i wish he didn't say 'as friends'.


that's all we are.

Cedric's POV:

I wished I didn't say 'as friends'. I want to be more. I want her.

Amber's POV:

The ball was this coming Friday. I had picked out my dress, which was a navy blue, floor length, and the top layer was covered in tulle. My heels were black but not too high off the ground.

Leah and I were getting ready to go to the ball. Leah was going with Alex, who was now her boyfriend. I was wearing light makeup, just some light eyeshadow, mascara, highlighter, and a nude lipstick.

Leah was wearing a black floor length dress, with silver strapped heels. She wore a dark eyeshadow, with red lipstick.

"We should probably go now, the boys are waiting for us" Leah said finishing the final touches on her makeup. "Yeah probably" I said feeling slightly nervous.

why are you nervous, you're going as friends

what if I look bad

you look hot, stop it

what if he didn't really want to go with me

he wouldn't have asked you if he didn't want to go with you.

Cedric looked like a god. His hair looked perfect. Everything about him looked perfect. "You look absolutely breathtaking darling" Cedric said looking at me up and down. "You look very handsome yourself" I teased. We all walked down to the great hall.

Cedric and I stopped to talk to Fleur and her date. Professor Mcgonnogal came up to Cedric and I and said,
"Are you two ready to dance?"
"Yes professor" Cedric replied snaking his hand around my waist.
"I forgot to tell you but the champions are the first ones to dance" Cedric whispered into my ear,
"That would've been helpful to know before the ball" I said slightly nervous about dancing in front of everyone.

Cedric and I were the first ones to walk out into the great hall. Cedric leaned down and whispered
"It'll be okay, just follow my lead". The music started and Cedric and I started dancing. He was the perfect dancer. I could feel people looking at me but all I didn't care. I was starting into Cedric's eyes, Admiring how blueish grey they were.

After a bit of waltzing Cedric lead me over to the drink table. He poured me a glass of punch. Cedric lead me back to the dance floor. Bouncing our heads, and swaying to the rock music.

this is perfect

i love this

i love him.

The ball had ended and Cedric and I were walking to our dorms. We were going home for winter break the next day, I had already packed, excited to talk to Lily about Cedric.

"Thank you for tonight Ced, I loved it" I said smiling up at him.
"It wouldn't have been nearly as good without you darling" Cedric said tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.
"Goodnight, I'll see you tomorrow" I said hugging him.
"Goodnight darling" Cedric said, then kissing the top of my head.

i love it when he does that.

Yours- Cedric DiggoryWhere stories live. Discover now