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Amber's POV:

It had snowed more overnight. There was quite a bit of snow, perfect for a snowball fight. Cedric happily agreed to have a snowball fight with me.

We got our shoes and hats on. I hated wearing hats, but Cedric insisted I wear one.
"Your ears are going to get cold if you don't" He smiled as he pulled the hat over my head.

I threw a snowball right at Cedric's back when he wasn't looking. He turned around looking at me before he grabbed a pile of snow and threw it at me. I had missed it slightly.

We both threw snowballs at each other, sometimes hitting the other, sometimes missing. We continued like this for a few minutes. Our noses and cheeks had gone pink from the cold air. Our laughs filling each other's ears.

We were trudging through the thick snow on the ground. Cedric getting closer to me faster than I could get away. Before I knew it, there was snow inside the front of my shirt. Cedric kissed my cheek before running back towards the front door.

I had caught up to him surprisingly fast. I jumped on his back, making him fall to his knees. I grabbed a handful of snow and put it down the front of his shirt.
"I love you" I kissed his cheek. I ran towards the door, making it in before he could throw another snowball at me

Cedric came inside slightly after me, both of us covered in snow. We removed the wet, snow-covered clothes off of us, hanging them by the fire to dry.

I had decided to make hot chocolate, a muggle drink I absolutely loved, which was odd because I absolutely despise milk.

"Cedric would you fancy any hot chocolate?" I asked, grabbing a mug from the cupboard. "What?" He asked, looking slightly confused. "It's a muggle drink, I think you would like it" I laughed. I made myself a mug, giving it to Cedric to try. He sipped slightly on the drink, looking slightly unsure about it.

"I like it, but I think I burnt my tongue" He said, looking silly with the hot chocolate on his upper lip.
"Ced, you have some on your lip" I smiled. He wiped his upper lip with his finger, sucking it off after.

that was hot.

Cedric had caught me staring at him, so he took another drink, making sure to get it on his lip, and repeating the action. I bit my lip, my mind wandering to a different place.
"Are you distracted by me, or are you trying to seduce me, because it's working" He laughed. I shook my head, blushing. he always knew what to say to make me blush.

I made myself a mug of hot chocolate because Cedric had stolen the other one from me. We sat down on the couch near the fireplace. We slowly drank our hot chocolate, cuddled up next to each other.

Cedric had his arm around my waist while I leaned against his chest. His heartbeat was so relaxing. He drew shapes on my side with his fingers.

I slowly drifted off to sleep in Cedric's arms.

Cedric's POV:

Amber had fallen asleep on me. She looked so peaceful while she slept. I gently tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, away from her face. She softly snored as she slept there for hours. There's no way in hell I was going to move.

I softly shook her awake before it got dark, she would be so mad if she didn't sleep that night. She opened her eyes slowly, hugging me tighter.

We made dinner together, she was still tired. this girl could sleep all day if she wanted too. "I don't get how you can fall asleep so quickly" I smiled, she was still half awake.
"You were holding me" she smiled.

We walked up the stairs to the bedroom. Amber immediately put on her pajamas, climbing into the bed. She waited for me to get next to her before she lied down. She held me tightly, laying her head on my chest.

"I love you" She said softly
"I love you darling" I whispered, running my fingers through her hair.

Yours- Cedric DiggoryWhere stories live. Discover now