The third task*

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Warning: Sexual content: if you are uncomfortable with this please skip the shower.

Amber's POV:

Cedric an I were standing by the maze before the third task started. The champions had to go through a maze to find the triwizard cup. I could tell Cedric was nervous.

"It's gonna be okay Ced, I love you" I said pulling him into a tight hug.
"I'm doing this for you, I love you" He whispered into my neck.
"Please be careful, I need you" I said trying not to cry.
"I'll try my best" he reassured kissing my forehead.

he could get hurt

he could die

I can't lose him.

I went up to my seat next to Harry and Cedric's parents.
"Are you Amber?" Asked a woman who I assumed was Cedric's mother.
"Yeah uh I am, are you Cedric's mother?" I asked.
"It's lovely to meet you dear, Cedric has spoken so much about you over the years." she said smiling at me.
"It's nice to meet you too Mrs.Diggory" I said shaking her hand.

"Oh you must meet Cedric's father Amos," She said sounding excited,
"Amos dear, come meet Amber, Cedric's girlfriend!"
"Hello, I am Amos Diggory, I believe we met during the quidditch world cup just last summer." Mr.Diggory said with a smile.
"I believe we did, It's lovely to see you again Mr.Diggory" I smiled.
"Oh please, call me Amos!" he said with enthusiasm.

Cedric's POV:

The maze felt off. Dumbledore had warned us that we would have to fight things off in the maze but I didn't know what was in here. It felt oddly quiet.

I ran down one of the paths of the maze to come face to face with Viktor Krum. Except it wasn't Krum. His eyes were grey and foggy. he's bewitched.

I heard Fleur scream. I ran deeper into the maze. It felt like an eternity before I finally saw the glowing cup just down a pathway. I ran towards it. The bushes closing in after me. I didn't think I was going to make it. But I did.

I latched my hand onto the cup. I won. I did it. I never would've been able to do it without Amber. The maze disappeared around me. I was standing infront of the school. i'm the triwizard champion.

Amber's POV:

He did it. Cedric won. I ran down the steep stairs that lead to where he was. His parents got to him first. His mother crying and smothering him in a hug. His father patting his back with a proud look on his face.

Cedric made eye contact with me. He dropped the cup and ran over to me. He pulled he into a hug and spun me around. "You did it Ced! I'm so proud of you!" I said hugging him tighter.
"It was for you, all of it, I wanted to impress you" He laughed. Cedric put his hand on my cheek and kissed me passionately.

The night was spent with Cedric being congratulated by anyone and everyone. Rita skeeter had caught a picture of us kissing and decided to put it on the front page.

Cedric pulled me into his dorm and pinned me against the wall and started kissing me again.
"We should go take a shower" He suggested looking me up and down,
"Oh yeah, definitely" I said sarcastically.

Cedric quickly took my clothes off and started the shower. We stepped in, still running our hands over each other's bodies. Cedric moved one of his hands down to squeeze my ass. His other hand on my breast, kneading.

He pinned me to the cold shower wall. Kissing down my neck to my chest. "Cedric, can I try something?" I asked feeling bold.
"Go ahead darling" He panted.

I lowered myself down onto my knees. "You don't have to" Cedric said realizing what I was going to do.
"I want to Ced, if you'll let me" I said. "Okay"

I took his throbbing erection in my hand and started stroking him up and down. I swiped my thumb over his tip that was covered in glossy precum. I leaned closer and connected my mouth to him.

Cedric groaned as I started bobbing my head trying not to gag from how large he was. I stroked what I couldn't fit in my mouth with my hand. Cedric's hand laced through my hair pulling it out of my face.

I could tell he was getting frustrated at how slow I was going but I kept that speed. He liked to tease me so why don't I do it to him.

Cedric started to thrust his hips making his length go deeper into my mouth. I heard his moans getting louder and louder. His cock twitching in my mouth. he was close. Suddenly I felt a warm liquid hit the back of my throat.

Cedric pulled me up from my knees and kissed me harder. I moved my lips to his neck, slightly sucking and kissing. Cedric was pulling me closer to him. I could feel that he was still hard.

"Jump" Cedric groaned. I jumped up and he caught me. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around is neck. "Wait, hold on" Cedric said as he moved his hand closer to my throbbing core. "You don't need to" I said before kissing his neck again.
"You're already wet?" He asked.
"Umm yeah" I said quietly.
"Wonderful." Cedric said pushing my back up against the wall.

"Ready darling?" Cedric asked looking in my eyes.
"Yes" I replied breathlessly. Cedric slipped into me slowly, filling me up just the way he had the first time. "You feel so good love." Cedric moaned.
"Move" I said quietly.

He moved in and out of me slowly. Filling me up with his cock. The steam from the shower all around up. Cedric pounding into me. Moans coming from both of us.

I was getting close. Cedric took note of this and started rubbing circles on my clit, while pounding into me harder than before. I felt him twitch inside of me.
"I'm gonna cum" I moaned,
"Together?" he asked, I nodded.

Cedric's hot liquid shot into me. I felt it dripping down my legs. My legs shaking and my muscles tightening. Cedric and I panting together. Cedric lowered me onto my feet and helped me clean off my legs. He turned around and let the warm water run over his chest.

His back was bleeding a bit. I scratched his back too hard.
"I'm sorry. I made your back bleed" I said now feeling guilty that I hurt him.
"It's okay darling, no need to worry" he smiled.
"Are you sure? that looks like it hurts." I said trying to step over to his back to look.

I almost fell over trying to look at his back. My legs sore from what we had just done. Cedric caught me before I fell. "Darling i'm okay, I thoroughly enjoyed that." Cedric whispered in my ear. I felt my face get even more red.

We would be going home for summer vacation tomorrow. Cedric and I slipped into his bed holding each other. All I could think about is how he isn't going to be here next year. I won't see him everyday. I'm going to miss him. We have summer to spend together.

Yours- Cedric DiggoryWhere stories live. Discover now