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Amber's POV:

Cedric and I came down from our highs, laying next to each other. The heavy blankets surrounding us. The crackling fire lighting up the room. The snow getting heavier.

I turned my head slightly to look at Cedric, he had already been looking at me. We smiled at each other. Cedric pulled my into his chest, holding me.

I nuzzled my face into the crook of his neck. He rubbed soft slow circles on my bare back. Our bodies intertwined, me playing with his hair, we fell into a peaceful sleep.

Cedric's POV:

I had woken up before Amber. I usually did, she really loved to sleep. I gently ran my fingers through her hair. She looked so peaceful while she was asleep.

It was still snowing outside. Amber squirmed softly as I ran my hand down to her waist. Her skin felt so soft. I watched her softly open her eyes.

"Hi" She said, sounding very tired.
"Hi" I smiled. She once again, snuggled her face into the crook of my neck.
"You smell good" She whispered. I smiled to myself while I drew shapes on her back with my finger.

"I need to take a shower" She said grabbing one of the blankets on the bed and wrapping it around herself. She stumbles slightly as she walked. I decided I would get up and join her.

I walked into the large bathroom, feeling the cold tile on the bottom of my feet. Amber was already in the shower. I walked in behind her, softly closing the shower door.

I came up behind Amber and hugged her.I kissed her cheek.
"Hi" She said slightly giggling. Before she could, I grabbed her shampoo off of the shelf. "You're gonna do it or me?" She smiled, white turning to face me. I smiled and said,
"I'm a professional at it" We both started laughing, while uncontrollably smiling.

I massaged the shampoo into her scalp, the smell of lavender filling the air. She dipped her head under the warm water, washing away the bubbles. I had already grabbed the bottle of conditioner and put some into my hand. I ran my fingers through the ends of her hair, lathering it with her conditioner.

She had clipped her hair up before grabbing the bottle of my shampoo. She spread some in her hands before reaching up to my hair. I was taller than her so I bent my head down to try and help her. Her breasts were right in my face, I couldn't help but look. She always distracts me one way or another.

I rinsed the bubbles out of my hair, letting the warm water run over my body. Amber had grabbed my conditioner and pulled me closer to her. She spread it in her hands before running her hands through my hair. I absolutely loved when she played with my hair.

I had grabbed the bottle of her peppermint body wash. I put some into my hands and rubbed them together. I started rubbing her shoulders, down to her back. I looked at her before touching her chest, making sure she was comfortable.

We ran our hands over each bodies, touching everywhere. We washed each other off, gently rubbing the conditioner out of each other's hair.

We wrapped towels around us after we got out of the shower. Amber had blow dried her hair, making it fall in messy curls.
"Can I try it" I asked, wondering how it worked.
"Yeah, do you want me to do it?" She asked smiling.
"Yeah" I smiled. She messed with my hair until it was curly. My hair was usually wavy, I had no idea it was curly.

"You look cute" She smiled, still messing with my hair.
"Not as cute as you" I whispered, admiring her in the mirror.

Yours- Cedric DiggoryWhere stories live. Discover now