Moving in

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Amber's POV:

"Cedric took me to see a house today." I told Lily while we sat out in the sun.
"What?" She said looking suprised.
"Cedric found a house and he showed me it, we signed the papers, so it's ours now" I said smiling.
"Oh that's wonderful, have you told Remus?" She asked.
"No not yet, I don't know if he's ready for me to move out." I laughed

Remus was sad that I would be leaving, but he said that we have to visit. Of course I agreed, I don't think I could go too long without the chaos that goes around in this house. James and Sirius said they were proud of me. Harry wasn't very enthusiastic that he would be the only child there. awe he's going to miss me. "I'm still going to visit Harry, and you can come visit too." I reassured him.

Cedric and I would be moving in at the end of the month, we had a week before we could move in. I had started packing my clothes, and little nick nacks I had collected over the years. Over the week I had almost packed all of my things.

Remus, James, and Sirius helped me carry my boxes down the stairs. We would be moving into our house today. Cedric was here, helping with everything. We would all apparate with two boxes, we would have to take breaks so we didn't get splinched.

We made our first trip to the house. Cedric and his parents were already there.
"Hello darling." Cedric said before kissing me softly.
"Hello my love." I replied, kissing his cheek.

We all walked in carrying boxes, we put boxes in every room. The house covered in boxes of Cedric and I's things. We went back to the Diggory's house for dinner.

Cedric and I came back to our house, and decided to unpack some of our boxes. We had set the bed on the floor, because we hadn't gotten a bed frame yet.

We put some of our clothes in the closet, and our towels in the bathrooms.
"Would you like to take a bath?" Cedric smirked, while grabbing my hand and pulling me closer to him.
"Only if you come with me" I laughed.

We walked into the bathroom, I leaned down and turned the bath faucet on. Cedric had come behind me and started to untuck my shirt from my pants. I turned around to face him, and did the same to him.

Cedric lifted my shirt from my body. His hands moved down to my pants, he slowly unbuttoned my jeans, gently pulling them down. I stripped his shirt off of him, moving down to his belt afterwards. I unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down slowly

His hands moved towards my back, unclipping my bra. His hands moved the straps down my arms leaving my chest exposed.

I looked up at Cedric, seeing his beautiful eyes looking at me. I kissed him softly, while cupping his cheek. I moved my hands down to the waistband of his boxers. I looked up at him, making sure it was okay. Once he nodded I gently tugged them off of his body. Cedric pulled my underwear down my legs, leaving both of us naked.

We climbed into the warm bath, surrounded by bubbles. Cedric sat leaning against the back of the tub, with me sitting in between his legs, leaning my back to his chest.

"Do you remember the first time we took a bath together?" Cedric whispered in my ear, "Yes, it was the prefects bathroom, and then we-" I was cut off by Cedric kissing my neck.

"And then we had sex for the first time." Cedric whispered, laughing a bit. I blushed thinking of the memory.
"It's also when we said 'I love you' for the first time." I smiled, remembering the moment. "You're the love of my life darling." He said, wrapping his arms around my waist.
"You're the love of my life pretty boy." I smiled.

"So you think I'm pretty?" Cedric teased.
"Yes, you're very pretty." I laughed.
"I think you're prettier." Cedric whispered before kissing my jaw.

"I love you." I said before pulling him in for a kiss.
"I love you."

Yours- Cedric DiggoryWhere stories live. Discover now